mskcc / smile-server

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Break down dbGaP tasks into smaller contained efforts #1194

Closed ao508 closed 1 week ago

ao508 commented 2 weeks ago

Summary of tasks:

  1. changes required to db schema (sample node?) need db gap node and relationship
  2. tab for showing dbGap data on samples table
  3. when viewing dbGap tab, make button visible to export data specifically for dbGap submission. Button or feature should be interactive and will accomplish the PM ask for "generate phenotype files for dbGap"
  4. import existing data for samples already in dbGap
  5. make dbGap info editable from dashboard (just dbGap study)
  6. Add. message handler for dbGap dashboard updates (smile-server message handler)
  7. Add new pub-sub topic for dbGap updates (dahsboard and publisher need pub permissions, smile server needs sub permissions)