mskcc / smile-server

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CMO SMILE Server 🔍

SMILE is a distributed microservices system. It receives messages from LIMS when a request is marked delivered. This message is processed and persisted to NEO4J. Any new message is then published to downstream subscribers.


Custom properties

Make an based on

All properties are required with the exception of some NATS connection-specific properties. The following are only required if nats.tls_channel is set to true:



Add to the local application resources: src/main/resources

Build with

mvn clean install

Run with

java -jar server/target/smile_server.jar

With Docker


Build image with Docker

docker build -t <repo>/<tag>:<version> .

Push image to DockerHub

docker push <repo>/<tag>:<version>

If the Docker image is built with the properties baked in then simply run with:

docker run --name smile-server <repo>/<tag>:<version> \
    -jar /smile-server/smile_server.jar

Otherwise use a bind mount to make the local files available to the Docker image and add --spring.config.location to the java arg

docker run --mount type=bind,source=<local path to properties files>,target=/smile-server/src/main/resources \
    --name smile-server <repo>/<tag>:<version> \
    -jar /smile-server/smile_server.jar \