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CCS research pipeline to process WES and WGS TN pairs
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Revise Chai's code for NF, incorporating NetMHCpan #318

Closed evanbiederstedt closed 5 years ago

evanbiederstedt commented 5 years ago

Related to the following:

evanbiederstedt commented 5 years ago

Working on this now

evanbiederstedt commented 5 years ago (edited)

# Neoantigen prediction pipeline. Four main steps: 
#       (1) Genotype HLA using POLYSOLVER, 
#       (2) Constructed mutated peptide sequences from HGVSp/HGVSc 
#       (3) Run NetMHC-4.0 + NetMHCpan-4.0
#       (4) Gather results and generate: 
#               - <sample_id>.neoantigens.maf: original maf with neoantigen prediction columns added
#               - <sample_id>.all_neoantigen_predictions.txt: all the predictions made for all peptides by both the algorithms

Here’s what I would do here:

(i) Allan already has Polysolver running. (Killed it, boom). (ii) Take the Polysolver outputs and parse them into Python, that’s Chai’s (2) (iii) Feed into NetMHC (iv) use Chai’s python code to create outputs we need for science

I would recommend re-writing how he is parsing the config---make these individual args via argparse

evanbiederstedt commented 5 years ago

This is the script without the config parsing:

This should only need the CDS and cDNA references.

I didn't require arguments for the following:

    ## netmhc4_bin = config.get('NetMHCpan', 'netmhc4_bin_path')
    ## netmhc4_alleleslist = config.get('NetMHCpan', 'netmhc4_alleleslist')
    ## netmhcpan4_bin = config.get('NetMHCpan', 'netmhcpan4_bin_path')

In the current docker image cmopipeline/netmhc,

These variable names are used in the script though---we should probably change this

evanbiederstedt commented 5 years ago

Allan killed it, boom