for i in ./* ; do echo $i ; cat $i ;done
concordance s_C_38H0A0_P001_d
s_C_38H0A0_N001_d NA
Sample_Type Sample_ID Contamination
cat .exitcode
cat .command.out
1 vs 1 and total= 1
Estimate contamination of s_C_38H0A0_P001_d.pileup and s_C_38H0A0_N001_d.pileup
clearly there is some calculation occurring but it is unclear why the final output is missing this info.
this is found in the work directory: work/34/1dbb2e32e0bbee3ecb6af4bd684af0
for example:
clearly there is some calculation occurring but it is unclear why the final output is missing this info.
this is found in the work directory: