msolefonte / celes

Celes is an open source file scraper that obtains and stores game achievements, whatever the origin
GNU General Public License v2.0
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NPM version NodeJS CI Actions Status Codecov Maintainability License contributions welcome


Celes is an Open Source file and registry scraper that obtains and stores game achievements, whatever the origin.

Table of Contents

About the project

Celes is a Typescript library that allows other tools to scrap files and registries to obtain user achievements from multiple sources. It includes multiples functionalities like detecting games, loading schemas and generating a list of unlocked achievements, together with import and export features. It also has a built-in database, which allows it to store local caches than can also be used by other tools.

Initially part of the Achievement Watcher project, now it has been released as an independent tool due to the organization being closed. The repository is going to be keep as an Open Source archive to facilitate and guide future developments in the same field.

To see the list of compatible sources and platforms, refer to COMPATIBILITY.

Built with

Getting Started


You need NPM to install Celes. If you don't have it, you can download it at


Celes is available at NPM, so you can install it directly from there:

npm install --save @achievement-watcher/celes




import {Celes} from '@achievement-watcher/celes'

The Celes Object

Celes is the main class exported and the one that has to be used in the majority of cases. If can be widely configured as presented below:

class Celes {
        achievementWatcherRootPath: string, 
        additionalFoldersToScan?: string[], 
        enabledPlugins?: string[], 
        steamPluginMode?: 0 | 1 | 2, 
        systemLanguage?: string, 
        useOldestUnlockTime?: boolean
    ) {}
Constructor parameters explanation

Celes API

This is the list of public methods available at Celes. An always-updated explanation can be found inside of the src/lib/Celes.ts file. In the case of the NPM package, the detailed explanation should be instead at dist/lib/Celes.d.ts.

async pull(callbackProgress?: (progress: number) => void): Promise<ScrapResult> {};
async load(callbackProgress?: (progress: number) => void): Promise<GameData[]> {};
async export(filePath: string): Promise<void> {};
async import(filePath: string, force?: boolean): Promise<GameData[]> {};
Add Game
async addGame(appId: string, platform: Platform): Promise<void> {};
Remove manually added Game
async removeManuallAddedGame(appId: string, platform: Platform): Promise<void> {};
Unlock Achievement
async unlockAchievement(appId: string, platform: Platform, achievementId: string, unlockTime = 0): Promise<void> {};
Remove Manually Unlocked Achievement
async removeManuallyUnlockedAchievement(appId: string, platform: Platform, achievementId: string): Promise<void> {};
Set Achievement Unlock Time
async setAchievementUnlockTime(appId: string, source: Source, platform: Platform, achievementId: string, 
                               unlockTime: number): Promise<void> {};
Add Game Playtime
async addGamePlaytime(appId: string, platform: Platform, playtime: number, 
                      force?: boolean): Promise<void> {};


Contributions are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

Legal Aspects

Celes is a technology able to connect and scrap achievements from both legal and non-legal sources. These sources, in the second cases, are related to games installed locally using cracks, emulators or any other technologies that may be related to cases of intellectual property being robbed or damaged. In any case, while this is a technical possibility, we do not enforce or support these practises and do not want to be associated with them.

As a matter of fact, any issue related to piracy is going to be removed and no support is going to be given in relation to obtaining games or roms from non-legal sources. Following this, any user is responsible of the content placed in its own issues, commentaries, code, pull requests or other additions.

Finally, in relation to the Achievement Watcher project. This component has been separated from it and there is no association between both. Any legal issue related to this project should not be reflected there and vice verse.