msprev / fzf-bibtex

a BibTeX source for fzf
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
129 stars 15 forks source link
bibtex fzf neovim vim


A BibTeX source for fzf.

Example use

To select items using fzf from a .bib file (as in image above):

bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi

To cite items (using the pandoc '@' format) from a .bib file:

bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi | bibtex-cite

To pretty print items (in markdown) from a .bib file:

bibtex-ls references.bib | fzf --multi --ansi | bibtex-markdown references.bib



On the Mac, these can be installed by homebrew:

brew install fzf
brew install bib-tool
brew install go

If you want vim/neovim integration, either:

or, if you prefer lua (for neovim only):

NB. You only need one or other of these (see mappings below). You can install both if you really want.


go install
go install
go install

Why these dependencies?

Parsing BibTeX is a non-trivial task. It is best to do it in a well-understood and reliable way. fzf-bibtex uses an extremely stable, reliable, and widely used parser, bibtool. The goal of fzf-bibtex is to have no noticable delay when searching, even for extremely large BibTeX files. Writing it with Go allows the desired responsiveness to be achieved.

Command line use


bibtex-ls [-cache=...] [file1.bib file2.bib ...]

Lists to stdout the content of .bib files, one record per line.

If the following environment variables are set, then these command line arguments can be omitted.

The cache directory should be a suitable directory for bibtex-ls temporary files. Parsing BibTeX databases is computationally intensive, so the command caches the results. The cache is updated if the underlying BibTeX file has been changed. If no cache directory is specified, the operating system's directory for temporary files is used.

(NB. If you are tinkering with fzf-bibtex's codebase, beware of outdated caches. Cache is only updated if the underlying BibTeX file has been changed. If you change the fzf-bibtex codebase, make sure to flush the cache by touching the BibTeX files, or deleting the cache, before you run new code on them).


bibtex-cite [-mode=pandoc|latex] [-prefix=...] [-postfix=...] [-separator=...]

Pretty print citations for selected entries passed over stdin.

Citation format may be customised with -prefix, -postfix, and -separator options.

Default values (suitable for pandoc '@' format):

Legacy -mode option provides presets for pandoc and LaTeX style citations. -mode options:


bibtex-markdown [-cache=...] [file1.bib file2.bib ...]

Pretty print items (in markdown) for selected .bib entries passed over stdin.

Cache directory may be set using the same environment variable as bibtex-ls.

fzf.vim integration

Assuming the executables installed above are available to Vim in your file path, add the following code to your vimrc file (or, for neovim, your init.vim):

fzf-vim integration (normal mode) ```vim let $FZF_BIBTEX_CACHEDIR = 'PATH-TO-CACHE-DIR' let $FZF_BIBTEX_SOURCES = 'PATH-TO-BIBTEX-FILE' function! s:bibtex_cite_sink(lines) let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines) execute ':normal! a' . r endfunction function! s:bibtex_markdown_sink(lines) let r=system("bibtex-markdown ", a:lines) execute ':normal! a' . r endfunction nnoremap c :call fzf#run({ \ 'source': 'bibtex-ls', \ 'sink*': function('bibtex_cite_sink'), \ 'up': '40%', \ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Cite> "'}) nnoremap m :call fzf#run({ \ 'source': 'bibtex-ls', \ 'sink*': function('bibtex_markdown_sink'), \ 'up': '40%', \ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Markdown> "'}) ```
fzf-vim integration (insert mode) ```vim function! s:bibtex_cite_sink_insert(lines) let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines) execute ':normal! a' . r call feedkeys('a', 'n') endfunction inoremap @@ u:call fzf#run({ \ 'source': 'bibtex-ls', \ 'sink*': function('bibtex_cite_sink_insert'), \ 'up': '40%', \ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Cite> "'}) ```

Alternative insert mode mapping (@@) that detects .bib files in parent, current or child directories (thanks to \@ashwinvis):

fzf-vim integration (alternative insert mapping -- automatically reads from nearby .bib files) ```vim function! Bibtex_ls() let bibfiles = ( \ globpath('.', '*.bib', v:true, v:true) + \ globpath('..', '*.bib', v:true, v:true) + \ globpath('*/', '*.bib', v:true, v:true) \ ) let bibfiles = join(bibfiles, ' ') let source_cmd = 'bibtex-ls '.bibfiles return source_cmd endfunction function! s:bibtex_cite_sink_insert(lines) let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines) execute ':normal! a' . r call feedkeys('a', 'n') endfunction inoremap @@ u:call fzf#run({ \ 'source': Bibtex_ls(), \ 'sink*': function('bibtex_cite_sink_insert'), \ 'up': '40%', \ 'options': '--ansi --layout=reverse-list --multi --prompt "Cite> "'}) ```

fzf-lua integration

If you use fzf-lua in neovim, you can add the following code inside to your init.lua or similar config file.

fzf-lua integration ```lua -- default list of bibfiles -- can be overriden by changing vim.b.bibfiles inside buffer local default_bibfiles = { -- put your default bibfiles here } -- default cache directory -- uses neovim's stdpath to set up a cache - no need to fiddle with this local cachedir = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/fzf-bibtex/" -- actions local pandoc = function(selected, opts) local result = vim.fn.system('bibtex-cite', selected) vim.api.nvim_put({ result }, "c", false, true) if opts.fzf_bibtex.mode == "i" then vim.api.nvim_feedkeys("i", "n", true) end end local citet = function(selected, opts) local result = vim.fn.system('bibtex-cite -prefix="\\citet{" -postfix="}" -separator=","', selected) vim.api.nvim_put({ result }, "c", false, true) if opts.fzf_bibtex.mode == "i" then vim.api.nvim_feedkeys("i", "n", true) end end local citep = function(selected, opts) local result = vim.fn.system('bibtex-cite -prefix="\\citep{" -postfix="}" -separator=","', selected) vim.api.nvim_put({ result }, "c", false, true) if opts.fzf_bibtex.mode == "i" then vim.api.nvim_feedkeys("i", "n", true) end end local markdown_print = function(selected, opts) local result = vim.fn.system("bibtex-markdown -cache=" .. cachedir .. " " .. table.concat(vim.b.bibfiles, " "), selected) local result_lines = {} for line in result:gmatch('[^\n]+') do table.insert(result_lines, line) end vim.api.nvim_put(result_lines, "l", true, true) if opts.fzf_bibtex.mode == "i" then vim.api.nvim_feedkeys("i", "n", true) end end local fzf_bibtex_menu = function(mode) return function() -- check cache directory hasn't mysteriously disappeared if vim.fn.isdirectory(cachedir) == 0 then vim.fn.mkdir(cachedir, "p") end require 'fzf-lua'.config.set_action_helpstr(pandoc, "@-pandoc") require 'fzf-lua'.config.set_action_helpstr(citet, "\\citet{}") require 'fzf-lua'.config.set_action_helpstr(citep, "\\citep{}") require 'fzf-lua'.config.set_action_helpstr(markdown_print, "markdown-pretty-print") -- header line: the bibtex filenames local filenames = {} for i, fullpath in ipairs(vim.b.bibfiles) do filenames[i] = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fullpath, ":t") end local header = table.concat(filenames, "\\ ") -- set default action local default_action = nil if == "markdown" then default_action = pandoc elseif == "tex" then default_action = citet end -- run fzf return require 'fzf-lua'.fzf_exec( "bibtex-ls " .. "-cache=" .. cachedir .. " " .. table.concat(vim.b.bibfiles, " "), { actions = { ['default'] = default_action, ['alt-a'] = pandoc, ['alt-t'] = citet, ['alt-p'] = citep, ['alt-m'] = markdown_print, }, fzf_bibtex = { ['mode'] = mode }, fzf_opts = { ["--multi"] = true, ['--prompt'] = 'BibTeX> ', ['--header'] = header } }) end end -- Only enable mapping in tex or markdown vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("Filetype", { desc = "Set up keymaps for fzf-bibtex", group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("fzf-bibtex", { clear = true }), pattern = { "markdown", "tex" }, callback = function() vim.b.bibfiles = default_bibfiles vim.keymap.set("n", "c", fzf_bibtex_menu("n"), { buffer = true, desc = "FZF: BibTeX [C]itations" }) vim.keymap.set("i", "@@", fzf_bibtex_menu("i"), { buffer = true, desc = "FZF: BibTeX [C]itations" }) end }) ```

Mappings will only be active for tex or markdown filetypes:


fzf-bibtex uses bibtool to parse BibTeX files. If there is an error, it is likely that your BibTeX file is not being parsed correctly. You can locate the cause, and correct it, by running bibtool directly on your BibTeX file from the command line. Look at any errors reported from:

bibtool references.bib -o parsed.bib

The BibTeX fields that fzf-bibtex asks bibtool to extract from your file can be seen by running bibtool with the rsc file specified in this string.

Release notes
