mstellwa / rfml

MarkLogic NoSQL Enterprise database server in-database analytics for R
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Since I am no longer working for and with MarkLogic I have stopped developing this package. If you are intrested in taking over please send me a notice.

rfml – a R package for MarkLogic Server

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rfml is a R package for MarkLogic Server, Enterprise NoSQL database, enabling in-dabase analytics.

It is based on the REST interface to allow users to use search syntax for creating a data.frame similar object, There is no data brought back to the client during the creation of the object. More information in the introduction vignette.

rfml only works with MarkLogic Server version 8 and higher. You can download MarkLogic Server at

In order to use rfml you need a REST instance, with a module database, for the MarkLogic database that contains your source data. You need to create the REST instance according to

If you have previous installed rfml, before 7th December 2015, you need to execute ml.clear.database before installing the new version.

You can install:

After the package is installed you need to setup the database that is to be used. You need to use a administrator user or a user with rest-admin role or the following privileges;

Host are the hostname or ip-adress of your Marklogic Server (in this example localhost), port is the port your REST instance listen on (in this example 8000, which is the default that is using the Documents database).

# setup the database to be used with rfml, will install query options and transformation
ml.init.database(host="localhost", port="8000", adminuser="admin", password="admin")

After the setup you can use a standard user with rest-reader and if you want to upload data rest-writer priviligies.

Before data can be selected a call to ml.connect is needed, the function verifies that the database is setup correctly and returns a connection object. You can have multiple connections at the same time. Host are the hostname or ip-adress of your Marklogic Server (in this example localhost), port is the port your REST instance listen on (in this example 8000, which is the default that is using the Documents database).

#create a connection
localConn <- ml.connect(host="localhost",port="8000", user="myuser", password="mypassword")

After the connections is done there is multiple ways to select data from the MarkLogic database.

Using a string query, more information around the syntax can be found at, to search within a collection.

# create a
mlIris <-, "setosa", collection = "iris")

It is also possible to do field level filtering. When using it there a re different requriments depending on the operator used. For ">" "<" "!=" "<=" ">=" operators a Element Range Index are needed on the field used, index can be created using the ml.add.index function. "==" can be used without Element Range Indexes.

# create a object based filtering on the Species field
mlIris <-, fieldFilter = "Species == setosa")
# create a object based filtering on the Petal.Length field, this requires a Element Range Index
mlIris <-, fieldFilter = "Petal.Length > 5")

There is also possible to upload data to the MarkLogic database, which returns a object.

# create a object based on the iris data set
mlIris <-, iris, "iris")

No data is pulled back to the client, if not asked for using for example head.

# pull back the first 6 rows, the returned object is a data.frame
#    Sepal.Length    Sepal.Width     Petal.Length       Petal.Width     Species
# 1  6.4              2.9               4.3              1.3            versicolor
# 2  5.6              2.9               3.6              1.3            versicolor
# 3  6.4              2.8               5.6              2.1            virginica
# 4  6.1              2.6               5.6              1.4            virginica
# 5  5.6              3.0               4.5              1.5            versicolor
# 6  4.7              3.2               1.6              0.2            setosa

It is possible to create new columns for the object. The columns only exists within the object and are not created at the database.

# create a field based on an existing
mlIris$newField <- mlIris$Petal.Width

# create a field based calculation on existing
mlIris$newField2 <- mlIris$Petal.Width + mlIris$Petal.Length

# create a field based on an previous created
mlIris$newField3 <- mlIris$Petal.Width + 10

mlIris$abs_width <- abs(mlIris$Petal.Width)

The new columns are calculated at runtime when retriving the data, the calculation is done on the server side.

# pull back the whole result, including the previous created fields
#    Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species     newField newField2 newField3 abs_width
# 1  6.4           2.9          4.3         1.3         versicolor  1.3       5.6      11.3       1.3
# 2  5.6           2.9          3.6         1.3         versicolor  1.3       4.9      11.3       1.3
# 3  6.4           2.8          5.6         2.1         virginica   2.1       7.7      12.1       2.1
# 4  6.1           2.6          5.6         1.4         virginica   1.4       7.0      11.4       1.4
# 5  5.6           3.0          4.5         1.5         versicolor  1.5       6.0      11.5       1.5
# 6  4.7           3.2          1.6         0.2         setosa      0.2       1.8      10.2       0.2

You can also extract a selection from a into a new For example, the following statements, would select only rows for which the column 'Species' equals 'setosa', and only the columns 'Sepal.Length' and 'Sepal.Width'

mlIris2 <- mlIris[mlIris$Species=="setosa",c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width")]

It is possible also to pull back data from a object, it is returned as a data.frame.

localDf <-

You can also create new documents in MarkLogic based on a

# Generate new documents in MarkLogic Server based on the mlIris ml-data.frame object.
newIris <-,name="newIris" )
#    Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species     newField newField2 newField3 abs_width
# 1  6.4           2.9          4.3         1.3         versicolor  1.3       5.6      11.3       1.3
# 2  5.6           2.9          3.6         1.3         versicolor  1.3       4.9      11.3       1.3
# 3  6.4           2.8          5.6         2.1         virginica   2.1       7.7      12.1       2.1
# 4  6.1           2.6          5.6         1.4         virginica   1.4       7.0      11.4       1.4
# 5  5.6           3.0          4.5         1.5         versicolor  1.5       6.0      11.5       1.5
# 6  4.7           3.2          1.6         0.2         setosa      0.2       1.8      10.2       0.2

For more information about the functions see the package help and vignettes.