mstojek / nlbw2collectd

Collectd Lua plugin for exporting Nlbwmon data to collectd
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This collectd lua plugin allows you to put Nlbwmon statistics directly to Collectd (luci-app-statistics). By default on Openwrt statistics are uploaded every 30 seconds, so it allows you to get pseudo realtime statistic about the traffic on your router.

Why this plugin has been created

I have been using Iptmon tool to get very nice statistics of per host traffic on my Openwrt router. Unfortunatelly starting from Openwrt 22.03 release Iptmon stopped to work due to replacement of iptables with nftables. When looking for alternatives I was not able to find anything what was close to Iptmon and working on latest Openwrt releases. I found Nlbwmon to be very nice tool but what I was missing was more detailed per hour statistics with nice charts.


This plugin assumes that you have Luci and luci-app-statistics installed. This plugin uses luci.jsonc lua library that should be bundled with Luci, if that is not the case you need to install this (details below). Another required library is collectd-mod-lua


Currently only IPv4 is supported, IPv6 support can be added later.

Installation instructions.

  1. Make sure that you have collectd-mod-lua installed on you openwrt router if not execute:

    opkg update
    opkg install collectd-mod-lua
  2. Make sure that luci-lib-jsonc is installed:

    opkg list-installed | grep luci-lib-jsonc
    luci-lib-jsonc - git-22.097.61937-bc85ba5

    If it is not installed install this with:

    opkg install luci-lib-jsonc
  3. Copy lua.conf to collectd config directory

    cp lua.conf /etc/collectd/conf.d
  4. Copy nlbw2collectd.lua to /usr/share/collectd-mod-lua/ directory

    cp nlbw2collectd.lua /usr/share/collectd-mod-lua/
  5. Restart collectd

    /etc/init.d/collectd  restart
  6. Login to Luci and go to Statistics->Graphs->Firewall. After about minute you should see your statistics.

Iptmon replacement

Starting from Openwrt 22.03 release Iptmon stopped to work due to rpelacements of iptables with nftables. This plugin allows you to get the same set of statistics as Iptmon. To do this topu need to change two lines in the file nlbw2collectd.lua In order to do this find lines below:

local PLUGIN_INSTANCE_RX="mangle-nlbwmon_rx" -- change to "mangle-iptmon_rx" to have full compliance with iptmon
local PLUGIN_INSTANCE_TX="mangle-nlbwmon_tx" -- change to "mangle-iptmon_tx" to have full compliance with iptmon

and change them to:

local PLUGIN_INSTANCE_RX="mangle-iptmon_rx" -- we have full compliance with iptmon
local PLUGIN_INSTANCE_TX="mangle-iptmon_tx" -- we have full compliance with iptmon

Make sure that Iptmon is not installed since this plugin and Iptmon can not coexist.

Example pictures

RX traffic picture

TX traffic picture

Export to Influx DB and Grafana

By exporting data to external Influxdb/Grafana you can get more pleasant charts Grafana RX chart Grafana TX chart Grafana RX Total Grafana TX Total