mstrap / bugtraq

Specification for linking Git with issue trackers
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Git Bugtraq Configuration specification

Version 0.4, 2016-07-15

1. Introduction

Git commits are often related to specific issues (or bugs). The Git Bugtraq Configuration allows to associate a Git commit with a corresponding issue ID. Git clients may use this association to provide additional functionality, like displaying a hyperlink for issue IDs within a commit message which links to the appropriate issue tracker web page.

The Git Bugtraq Configuration is similar to Subversion bugtraq properties[^1] and includes concepts of Gerrit commentlinks[^2].

2. Configuration options

The main configuration namespace is bugtraq.

bugtraq.url (mandatory)

Specifies the URL of the bug tracking system. It must be properly URI encoded and it has to contain %BUGID%. %BUGID% will be replaced by the Git client with a concrete issue ID.

bugtraq.logregex (mandatory), bugtraq.loglinkregex (optional), and bugtraq.logfilterregex (optional)

Specify Perl Compatible Regular Expressions[^3] which will be used to extract the issue ID from a commit message.

logregex must contain exactly one matching group, which extracts BUGIDs.

If present, loglinkregex will be applied before logregex. It must contain exactly one matching group, which extracts parts from the commit message that should show up as a link. logregex will then be applied to every such link to extract the actual BUGID (which is a part of the entire link). If loglinkregex is set, logregex must extract exactly one BUGID.

If present, logfilterregex will be applied before logregex (or loglinkregex, resp.). It must contain exactly one matching group which extracts arbitrary parts of the commit message that will be used as input for logregex (or loglinkregex, resp.).

Every of these regular expressions may contain additional non-capturing groups ((?:) and matches case-sensitive unless explicitly set to case-insensitive ((?i)). The overall extraction looks as follows:

commit message -> logfilterregex -> loglinkregex -> logregex -> BUGID

Example: with logfilterregex set to


loglinkregex set to


logregex set to


and having a commit message like

Issues #3, #4 and #5: Git Bugtraq Configuration options (see rule #12)

logfilterregex will pick Issues #3, #4 and #5, loglinkregex will pick #3, #4, #5 and logregex will pick 3, 4 and 5.

Note: in Git-Config-like files, backslashes need to be escaped (see section 5).

bugtraq.loglinktext (optional)

Specifies a substitution text which will be used to display issue links extracted by logregex and loglinkregex, resp. loglinktext must contain %BUGID% which will be replaced by the concrete issue ID.

Example: with logregex set to #?(\d+) and loglinktext set to #%BUGID%, a commit message like

Issue #3, 4, 5: message

will be substituted to

Issue #3, #4, #5: message

with #3, #4, #5 being links to the corresponding issues.

bugtraq.enabled (optional)

Specifies whether this Bugtraq Configuration is enabled. It defaults to true.

bugtraq.projects (optional)

Specifies a comma-separated list of JIRA projects where for each project the bugtraq functionality will be applied. This works by looping over all specified projects and substituting %PROJECT% by the project key. Substitution of %PROJECT% will be performed for bugtraq.url, bugtraq.logregex, bugtraq.loglinkregex, bugtraq.logfilterregex, and bugtraq.loglinktext. See examples.

3. Multiple configurations

There can be multiple configurations, either to support multiple issue trackers or alternative configurations for the same issue tracker. In the latter case, probably only one of these configurations will be enabled.

When using multiple configurations, the bugtraq namespace is separated into multiple, disjoint sub-namespaces bugtraq.<name>, one for each configuration.



For a single commit message, all configurations will be applied, possibly giving multiple issue links to different issue trackers for a single commit message.

3.1 Handling of intersecting issues IDs

If two issue IDs are intersecting (due to intersecting configurations), only the issue ID with the lower starting position will be displayed. The other issue ID will be ignored.

4. Configuration files

There are two places where the configuration options can be specified:

Options specified in $GIT_DIR/config will override options from .gitbugtraq. A .gitbugtraq file is processed as Git config file, i.e., the same rules for quoting and escaping apply.

An example content of .gitbugtraq (note, that \ need to be escaped and " is used to escape the #):

  url = "https://host/#root/browse/SG-%BUGID%"
  loglinkregex = SG-\\d+
  logregex = \\d+

Exactly the same lines could be added as an additional section to $GIT_DIR/config as well.

5. logregex examples

Example 1

From messages like Fix: #1 or fixes: #1, #2 and #3, the 1, 2 and 3 should be extracted and the numbers including hash-sign (#) should show up as links:

logfilterregex =  "(?i)fix(?:es)?\\: ((\\s*(,|and)?\\s*#\\d+)+)"
loglinkregex = #\\d+
logregex = \\d+

Example 2

From messages like Bug: #1 or Bug IDs: #1; #2; #3 or Cases: #1, #2 the 1, 2 and 3 should be extracted and only the numbers itself should show up as links:

logfilterregex = "(?i)(?:Bug[zs]?\\s*IDs?\\s*|Cases?)[#:; ]+((\\d+[ ,:;#]*)+)"
logregex = \\d+

Example 3

From a message like PRJA-1: test, PRJB-2: tset with following configuration:

projects = PRJA, PRJB
url = https://server/browse/%PROJECT%-%BUGID%
loglinkregex = %PROJECT%-\\d+
logregex = \\d+

Issue ID 1 will be extracted and linked to:


and issue ID 2 will be extracted and linked to:


Example 4

If your project keys contain digits themselves, like PRJ1, you will have to use positive lookbehinds to ensure that logregex will extract exactly one BUGID. From a message like PRJ1-123: test with following configuration:

projects = PRJ1
url = https://server/browse/%PROJECT%-%BUGID%
loglinkregex = %PROJECT%-\\d+
logregex = (?<=-)\\d+

Issue ID 123 will be extracted and linked to:



[^1]: Subversion bugtraq properties [^2]: Gerrit commentlinks [^3]: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions