A simple drawing app with low resolution and a fixed palette.
I use it to draw doddles with my kids :) We often play "guess the drawing" while waiting for food at restaurants. Here's some of our production:
<img src="https://fdroid.gitlab.io/artwork/badge/get-it-on.png" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80">
Or download the latest APK from the Releases Section.
Among-us battle:
Kids playing at the beach:
A tractor:
Picnic at the park:
Me and my son playing videogames:
Masha and the bear:
Three little pigs and wolf:
The app is based on Omicron, can be built as an Android APK or as an omicron cartridge, or as a standalone desktop application. Follow the example of the building script for informations on how to build.