mszoek / hydrogen

A little toy OS written over a few months in 2019. 64-bit, preemptive multitasking kernel supporting EFI, PCIe, SATA, framebuffer graphics mode, HFS+ and a very limited userspace. Just a PoC for learning, really.
36 stars 2 forks source link


We're back!

After almost 2 years, Hydrogen (formerly H2OS) is back :)

Hydrogen: Lighter than air, more essential than water.

Hydrogen screenshot


Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.


Contributing to Hydrogen is not currently possible, as it is closed source. (duh)

Build Requirements

A Linux-based environment (Use Arch for best compatibility.)
GCC >= 8.2.1
NASM >= 2.14.02
CMake or GNU Make
The grub-mkrescue tool


Simply run hydrogen.iso in your favorite PC emulation software.