mtaa-diia / backend

Spring Boot backend
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Moj Doklad Backend Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Backend Architecture
  3. Authentication
  4. Authorization
  5. Backend Endpoints
    1. User Endpoints
    2. Document Endpoints
    3. Notification Endpoints
    4. Order Endpoints
    5. StatusController Endpoints
    6. AuthController Endpoints
    7. ServiceController Endpoints
    8. SecretController Endpoints
    9. DocumentDataController
    10. NotificationDataController
    11. UserDataController
    12. OrderDataController
    13. OrderDataController
  6. Database
  7. Maven Dependencies

1. Introduction

This Backend goal is to provide API for Moj Doklad application. It is written in Java 17 using Spring Boot framework. It is using PostgreSQL database.

2. Backend Architecutre

2.1 Backend is divided into 3 layers: Controller, Service and Repository.
2.2 Service layer is using DTOs to communicate with Controller layer. Service layer is using Entities to communicate with Repository layer.
2.3 Repository layer is using JPA to communicate with database.
2.4 Controller layer is using DTOs to communicate with Service layer.
2.5 DTOs are mapped to Entities using MapStruct library.

3. Authentication

3.1 Authentication is done using JWT.
3.2 JWT is generated using RSA algorithm.
3.3 JWT is stored in HttpOnly cookie.
3.4 JWT is valid for 1 hour.

4. Authorization

4.1 Authorization is done using Spring Security.
4.2 Authorization is done using roles.
4.4 ROLE_USER is assigned to every user.
4.5 ROLE_ADMIN is assigned to user and staff with admin privileges.
4.6 ROLE_STAFF is assigned to user and staff with staff privileges.

5. Backend Endpoints

5.1 User Endpoints /api/users

5.1.1 GET / is return list of users with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.2 GET /{id} is return user with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.3 POST / is create and return user with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.4 PUT /{id} is update user and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.5 DELETE /{id} is delete user with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.6 GET /{username} is return user by username with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.7 GET /username/{username} is return user by username with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.8 GET /documents/{id} is return list of documents by user id with 200 HTTP Status code
5.1.9 GET /documents/ is return of documents by authenticated user with 200 HTTP Status code

5.2 Document Endpoints /api/documents

5.2.1 GET / is return list of documents with 200 HTTP Status code
5.2.2 GET /{id} is return document with 200 HTTP Status code
5.2.3 POST / is create and return document with 200 HTTP Status code
5.2.4 PUT /{id} is update document and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.2.5 DELETE /{id} is delete document with 200 HTTP Status code

5.3 Notification Endpoints /api/notifications

5.3.1 GET / is return list of notifications with 200 HTTP Status code
5.3.2 GET /{id} is return notification with 200 HTTP Status code
5.3.3 POST / is create and return notification with 200 HTTP Status code
5.3.4 PUT /{id} is update notification and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.3.5 DELETE /{id} is delete notification with 200 HTTP Status code

5.4 Order Endpoints /api/orders

5.4.1 GET / is return list of orders with 200 HTTP Status code
5.4.2 GET /{id} is return order with 200 HTTP Status code
5.4.3 POST / is create and return order with 200 HTTP Status code
5.4.4 PUT /{id} is update order and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.4.5 DELETE /{id} is delete order with 200 HTTP Status code

5.5 StatusController Endpoints /api/status

5.5.1 GET / is return list of statuses with 200 HTTP Status code
5.5.2 GET /{id} is return status with 200 HTTP Status code
5.5.3 POST / is create and return status with 200 HTTP Status code
5.5.4 PUT /{id} is update status and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.5.5 DELETE /{id} is delete status with 200 HTTP Status code

5.6 AuthController Endpoints /api/auth

5.6.1 POST /login is login user and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.6.2 POST /register is register user and return with 200 HTTP Status code

5.7 ServiceController Endpoints /api/services

5.7.1 GET / is return list of services with 200 HTTP Status code
5.7.2 GET /{id} is return service with 200 HTTP Status code
5.7.3 POST / is create and return service with 200 HTTP Status code
5.7.4 PUT /{id} is update service and return with 200 HTTP Status code
5.7.5 DELETE /{id} is delete service with 200 HTTP Status code

5.8 SecretController Endpoints /api/secret

5.8.1 GET / is return list of secrets with 200 HTTP Status code
5.8.2 POST / is create and return secret with 200 HTTP Status code

5.9 DocumentDataController Endpoints /api/documents-data

5.9.1 GET /create?count=1 is generating documents with random data to simulate real life situations.

5.10 NotificationDataController Endpoints /api/notifications-data

5.10.1 GET /create?count=1 is generating notifications with random data to simulate real life situations.

5.11 UserDataController Endpoints /api/users-data

5.11.1 GET /create?count=1 is generating users with random data to simulate real life situations.

5.12 StatusDataController Endpoints /api/status-data

5.12.1 GET /create?count=1 is generating statuses with random data to simulate real life situations.

5.13 OrderDataController Endpoints /api/orders-data

5.13.1 GET /create?count=1 is generating orders with random data to simulate real life situations.

6. Database

6.1 Database is PostgreSQL.
6.2 Database is hosted on Heroku.
6.3 Database is using 1 table per entity.

7. Maven Dependencies




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