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Database #8

Open mtchuyen opened 8 months ago

mtchuyen commented 8 months ago

6 Database Types You Must Know

  1. Relational Database πŸ’Ό

    • Data Model: Organizes data into tables with rows and columns.
    • Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server.
    • Key Features: ACID compliance, strong data consistency, structured data storage, support for SQL queries, well-suited for complex transactions and reporting.
  2. Document Database πŸ“„

    • Data Model: Stores data in semi-structured or JSON-like documents.
    • Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB, Firebase Firestore.
    • Key Features: Flexible schema, horizontal scalability, support for semi-structured data, well-suited for content management systems and real-time applications.
  3. In-Memory Database πŸš€

    • Data Model: Stores data entirely in the system's main memory (RAM).
    • Examples: Redis, Memcached, Apache Ignite.
    • Key Features: Ultra-fast data retrieval, low-latency, suitable for caching, session management, and real-time analytics.
  4. Graph Database 🌐

    • Data Model: Represents data as nodes and edges to model relationships.
    • Examples: Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, ArangoDB.
    • Key Features: Efficient querying of complex relationships, graph traversal, suitable for social networks, recommendation systems, and fraud detection.
  5. Time-Series Database πŸ“ˆ

    • Data Model: Optimized for time-ordered data points, like sensor readings or log files.
    • Examples: InfluxDB, Prometheus, TimescaleDB.
    • Key Features: Efficient storage and retrieval of time-series data, aggregations, retention policies, ideal for monitoring, IoT, and event data.
  6. Spatial Database 🌍

    • Data Model: Designed for storing and querying spatial or geographic data.
    • Examples: PostGIS (extension for PostgreSQL), MongoDB Geospatial, Microsoft SQL Server Spatial.
    • Key Features: Geospatial indexing, support for spatial data types (points, polygons, lines), useful for location-based services, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and map applications.
mtchuyen commented 8 months ago

Oracle handles all those categories. Even within single DBMS product. There is a reason for its cost.

Oracle in Spatial and Graph, currently included free by default

Apache Cassandra