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Backend Developer Roadmap 2023

Modern Backend Developer in 2018 (or Developer Roadmap)

See: Modern Backend Developer in 2018

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Rate limiter

Software Architecture

software architecture là những pattern (mẫu) hoặc rule (luật), principle (nguyên tắc) giúp tối đa hóa sản phẩm (app) và thuận lợi cho phát triển sản phẩm (facilitates development)

The strategy behind that facilitation is to leave as many options open as possible, for as long as possible.

Một Good architecture khác với Poor architecture ở phần sau của quá trình phát triển sản phẩm:

Sự phản biện của OOP và tác dụng của thiết kế OO

3. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Dropbox / Google Drive System Architecture

Dropbox System Design

Thẩm định rủi ro cho kiến trúc phần mềm

Một số thuật ngữ

[Ref.1] và [Ref.2]

Risk Analysis in Software Architecture




[Ref.3] Software Architecture Risk Analysis (SARA): A Methodology to Assess Security Risks in Software Architectures, and an Application

[Ref.3] Neal Ford; Mark Richards, Fundamentals of Software Architecture, Chapter 20. Analyzing Architecture Risk


data architectures

Data Pipeline

DB architectures

[db.1] hướng dẫn cách scale DB/Data để phục vụ cho lượng người dùng lớn, cách này cũng là cách để thiết kế kiến trúc theo mô hình DB CQRS pattern.


Event Driven Architecture

Architecture Patterns: Caching

System Design

System Design Question List

System Design Must-Haves

System Design Need to Knows

System Design Architecture - I

System Design Architecture - II

System Design Architecture - III

CAP Theorem in System design

System design fundamentals: What is the CAP theorem?

System Design concepts

Web Distributed Systems Design

System Designing basics- Designing a Distributed Storage Service in Cloud

System Design — Distributed Job Scheduler

System Design: Designing a Distributed Job Scheduler

Design a Distributed Delayed Job Queueing System

Latency and throughput: What you should know before designing your system

System design for failures series

Building Scalable Systems using Queues

System Design Basics: Caching

Design a Cache System

System Design for Distributed Cache | Redis System Design

System design: Debouncing and Throttling

System Design Basics: WebSockets

System Design — Design a Monitoring System

System Design — Nearby Places Recommender System

System Design Interview Prep: Real-Time Chat Application

System Design: Useful concepts for building services at scale!-Part 2

System Design Series — Introduction

System Design Series — Network Protocols

System Design Series — Latency and Throughput

System Design Series — Storage

System design part 1: General Terms used in System design

System Design part 3 continued: Reverse Proxy

Confusing terms in system design: concurrency vs parallelism, performance vs scalability, proxy vs reverse proxy

System design for dummies:

System design for dummies — part 0

System design for dummies — part 1

System design for dummies — part 2

System design for dummies — part 3 (Design a donation app)

Tác giả: Sakshi Chhabra - sakshi8699

system-design Tag

design Tag

System Design Interview

System Design — Key Concepts and Terms Interview Notes

System Design — Buzzwords to revise before going for an Interview — Part 1

System Design — Buzzwords to Revise Before Going for an Interview — Part 2

System Design — Buzzwords to Revise Before Going for an Interview — Part 3

System Design Interview — Study Notes I

System Design Interview [Part 2] — Problem Exploration

Recap of System Design Interview Concepts

How to Succeed in Your System Design Interview

Level up your System Design Interview: Drive the Conversation

Cracking the system design interview

How to prepare for System Design Interviews — Part 1

How to prepare for System Design Interviews — Part 2

Anatomy of a System Design Interview

System Design Interview Question: Designing a URL Shortening Service

System Design Production

System Design — Backend for Google Photos

Design: Image Hosting Application

System Design Twitter | 1

System Design Twitter | 2

Design twitter

System Design — Twitter Search

System Design Uber

Uber: System Design Interview

Design Uber Ride-Hailing System

Designing Youtube or Netflix

System Design Netflix — A Complete Architecture

Design Netflix — System design High Level

Designing Pastebin

System Design Architecture StackOverflow

Design StackOverflow

System Design — Instagram/LinkedIn/Twitter

Design Amazon E-Commerce System

Designing Tinder’s Server Side

How to Build Messaging capability for live video streams at scale! System design part 4: Relational Database Management System

Designing Resilient Microservices - Part 1

System Design — Top K Trending Hashtags

System Design Interview: Distributed Top K Frequent Elements in Stream

Design a real time dashboard showing the most played songs?

Design a most popular/trending profiles page

Design a system which can report frequently occurring exceptions on a dashboard

Design top shared post system in 5mins/1 hour/1 day/1 week

How I Would Design… YouTube or Netflix!

How I would design… a Web Crawler!

How I Would Design… Uber’s Backend!

How I Would Design… Suggested Search!

How I Would Design… TicketMaster!

How I Would Design… Yelp or Nearby Friends

System Scaling

System Scaling là một hạng mục bên trong việc thiết kế một hệ thống How to Scale Application to support Millions User

Basics for System Scaling

Large Scale System Design

Design Patterns and Principles That Support Large Scale Systems


Low-level Design

How to Ace the Low-level Design Interviews

Crypto: encrypt and decrypt