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AI cluster July 22nd deadline? #2

Open pcuci opened 6 years ago

pcuci commented 6 years ago

@sylvaincarle @vdimarco @mdimercurio @David-Ro - here's another article on the topic (mostly about

I don't see a mention of July 22nd deadline(?)

Who can we cc: that is closer to the matter?

sylvaincarle commented 6 years ago

See and for more info on the Canadian government official announcements.

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Paul Cuciureanu wrote:

@sylvaincarle @vdimarco @mdimercurio @David-Ro

I don't see a mention of July 22nd deadline(?)

Who can we cc: that is closer to the matter?

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pcuci commented 6 years ago

Steps to submit the Letter of Intent: @evanp @sylvaincarle @David-Ro @vdimarco - we need 4+ letters! :1st_place_medal:

Applications for Phase 1 (Letter of Intent) of the Innovation Superclusters Initiative application process are due July 21, 2017 at 12pm (noon) Eastern Daylight Time. The application process for Phase 1 (Letter of Intent) includes the following steps: [...]


5. Eligibility Requirements for the Letter of Intent

Some more snippets:

4.1.5 Submission Procedures

All application documents, including the ISI Application form, written proposal, and required appendices (for the Letter of Intent and Full Application) must be submitted online through the ISED website. E-mail, mailed, or facsimile (fax) submissions will not be accepted. Applications are due by 12pm (noon) Eastern Daylight Time on the day of the submission deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.


The not-for-profit corporation (new or existing) representing an industry-led consortium that receives funding through the ISI. The Entity is expected to execute the Supercluster Strategy proposed during the ISI two-phase application process by undertaking projects and redistributing allocated ISI funds to Ultimate Recipients to support activities finalized in the negotiation of the Contribution Agreement. If an existing not-for-profit is being proposed to be the Entity, that not-for-profit may act as a Lead Applicant on a consortium's behalf.

28. How firm must the sources of funding be at the Letter of Intent Phase? New: 2017-06-15

Applicants are strongly encouraged to secure firm funding commitments as early as possible. However, if private sector funds have not yet been secured for the entirety of the 1:1 matching requirement, explain the approach to secure remaining funds and list the anticipated sources, in the corresponding section of the LOI Proposal Template (see Applicant Guide, part 7: Section C) Budget and financial commitment)