To accelerate the growth and development of business-led innovation superclusters in Canada, applicants must set out an approach to building a supercluster advantage for their regional innovation ecosystem that translates into new commercial and global opportunities for growth and competitiveness.
The approach should leverage strengths, address gaps, and incent innovation ecosystem players to work together more strategically around five themes of activity for the collective benefit of the cluster:
Artificial intelligence is the new electricity. How can we all benefit from it?
We, the undersigned, want to collectively participate in the building of the Montreal/QC AI cluster. We are the cluster.
Several ideas discussed bellow. Pull-requests welcomed.
It is likely opinions will diverge, please fork and submit
As electricity has radically changed society, so we belive AI technologies will too. Everyone will be affected.
This letter is an attempt to include all stakeholders affected by AI. You and me, the startups innovating, university researchers, government, not for profits, everyone involved and affected by advances in AI.
We are the AI community in Montreal, dynamic, innovative, involved - we ask to be actively engaged in the process of diffusing the $100M dedicated to creating the Quebec AI cluster.
Bellow discussion is a synthesis of many ideas sparked at - where several community leaders coordinated the embryonic discussion resulting in this letter.
See for organizational structures discussion
We are the people involved with AI in Montreal.
Links to peer-reviewed articles, unfake news, etc.
Released in the public domain, all copyright protections waived.