mtliendo / jcs-js-tips-api

An api to list the latest #JCsJSTips from twitter
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🔥JC's JS Tips API🔥

This API scrapes twitter to get the latest exercises from JC's profile.


The API is currently built on express and exposes a single GET endpoint: /jcs-js-tips.

The data is curated by using a combination of the following:

Going Forward

Next items to consider:


🚨PR's, issues, and suggestions are welcome to all skill levels!🚨

I was really looking forward to pushing this to a final form. However, I'm finding myself too busy to take on the task as soon as I would like (exciting news on the horizon!), so I'm looking for the community to step in.

This is a great way to get involved in the community and to dive into open source 🤓

Setting up the project

  1. fork this repo and clone your copy to your computer
  2. cd into the project's directory
  3. run npm install to install the dependencies
  4. run npm start to start the development server
  5. navigate your browser to the endpoint: /jcs-js-tips