MTM specific modules for the DAISY Pipeline 2
View changes since previous release and update version number according to semantic versioning.
git diff v1.0.0...HEAD
Create a release branch.
git checkout -b release/${VERSION}
Resolve snapshot dependencies and commit.
Set the version in pom.xml to ${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT
and commit.
Make release notes and commit. (View changes since previous release with git diff v1.1.0...HEAD
and look for relevant Github issues on
Perform the release with Maven. Note that a server configuration for "sonatype-nexus-staging" must be in settings.xml (${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml or ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml).
mvn clean release:clean release:prepare -DpushChanges=false
mvn release:perform -DlocalCheckout=true -Darguments=-Dgpg.passphrase=[thephrase]
Push and make a pull request (for turning an existing issue into a PR use the -i <issueno>
git push origin release/${VERSION}:release/${VERSION}
hub pull-request -b mtmse:master -h mtmse:release/${VERSION} -m "Release version ${VERSION}"
Stage the artifact on and comment on pull request.
ghi comment -m staged ${ISSUE_NO}
Test and stage all projects that depend on this release before continuing.
Release the artifact on and close pull request.
ghi comment --close -m released ${ISSUE_NO}
Push the tag.
git push origin v${VERSION}
Add the release notes to${VERSION}.