mtrupkin / sbt-launch4j

launch4j sbt plugin
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
4 stars 0 forks source link


Create an executable for your jvm application without requiring a JRE to be previously installed.

Uses launch4j to create an executable wrapper for your jvm based project.

Project Setup

Create a new file in your project at ./project/launcher.sbt and add the following lines.

resolvers ++= Seq(
    Resolver.url("org.trupkin sbt plugins", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),
    "SpringSource" at ""

addSbtPlugin("org.trupkin" % "sbt-launch4j" % "0.0.8")  


The build-sfx task is now available. It creates a self extracting zip file in the ./target/sbt-launch4j directory. The zip file contains the generated executable wrapper, the application jar and it's dependencies.

> build-sfx

The build-launcher task creates the generated executable wrapper, the application jar and it's dependencies in the ./target/sbt-launch4j/app directory.

> build-launcher