mtuann / comp5120-data-vis

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Peer Review - Group F #7

Open AaronCerty opened 1 month ago

AaronCerty commented 1 month ago

Feedback on Proposal: Unveiling Research Trends with arXiv Data Visualization

Your proposal to leverage data visualization techniques for exploring emerging research trends within arXiv preprints is both timely and ambitious. Here are some insights and suggestions to enhance your project's clarity and effectiveness:

High-Level Goal and Motivation: The goal of uncovering hidden patterns and emerging trends within the vast arXiv preprints collection is well-aligned with the challenges researchers face in staying updated with the latest advancements. Your motivation to empower researchers with actionable insights through data visualization is commendable and addresses a critical need in the scientific community.

Research Question and Approach: The research question focusing on how data visualization can reveal emerging trends within arXiv is well-defined and actionable. Consider specifying the types of data visualization techniques you plan to employ (e.g., topic modeling, trend analysis, network visualization) based on the available dataset. Additionally, ensure transparency in data collection and cleaning processes to maintain the integrity and reproducibility of your findings.

Data Collection and Weekly Project Plan: Your approach to leveraging existing tools for data crawling and subsequent analysis demonstrates practicality. As you progress with data collection and analysis in the coming weeks, consider incorporating exploratory data analysis techniques to identify initial patterns and insights before designing final visualizations. Collaborative efforts among team members in data acquisition, analysis, and visualization development are key to maintaining project momentum and achieving desired outcomes.

Enhancements and Additional Considerations:

Conclusion: Overall, your proposal presents a compelling and innovative approach to extracting actionable insights from arXiv preprints using data visualization techniques. By refining your approach, specifying visualization methods, and emphasizing collaboration among team members, you can effectively unveil and communicate emerging research trends to benefit researchers and the broader scientific community. Good luck with the implementation and execution of your project!

tienvu95 commented 1 month ago

Thank you @AaronCerty for the very detailed feedback, I don't have anything to add.