mtuann / comp5120-data-vis

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This repository contains the projects for the course COMP5120 - Data Visualization at VinUniversity. The projects are done using R with the help of the following packages:

Project 01: Trash Wheel Collection Data

The projects are done by the group of students:

The project is about the Trash Wheel Collection Data. The details of the project can be found in file project1.

Research Questions

The project aims to answer the following research questions:

  1. How does the composition of collected trash vary over time (Month and Year)?
  2. What is the seasonal pattern of trash accumulation in terms of weight (Weight), volume (Volume), and the number of plastic bags (PlasticBags)?

Data-Storytelling: Unveiling Olympic Glory Through Data Visualization

This is individual project by Nguyen Minh Tuan. The project is about the Olympic Games Dataset (1896-2016). The details of the project can be found in file storytelling.

The project requires students to create a comprehensive and interactive data visualization dashboard. By effectively presenting Olympic data, this project will provide valuable insights for a variety of audiences.

Research Questions

The project aims to answer the following research questions:

  1. Evolution of Participation: How has athlete participation in the Olympics changed over time, considering factors like gender and region?
  2. Dominant Sports: Which sports have historically garnered the most medals? Are there any trends in medal distribution across various sports?
  3. Powerhouse Nations: Which countries have consistently dominated the Olympics in terms of medal count? Are there any emerging trends in national performance?
  4. Age and Success: Is there a correlation between an athlete's age and their likelihood of winning a medal? Does this vary across different sports?
  5. Physical Attributes and Performance: Do physical attributes like height and weight play a role in medal success across various sports?

Project 02: To be updated

The projects are done by the group of students:

The project is about the arXiv Collection Data. The details of the project can be found in file project2.