mu-zero-HYPERLOOP / canzero

Control Panel of Mu-Zero Hyperloop Season 4
4 stars 0 forks source link


Install npm

Just follow the instructios on the npm website for your platform

Tauri prerequisites

Just follow the instructions on the tauri website for your platform

Download the project

Use a Github Client or from the cli run

$ git clone
Install npm dependencies
$ cd control-panel
$ npm install

This will install all npm dependencies and take a while

Run the application in developer mode
$ npm run tauri dev

This takes a while (not more than 3 min), afterwards the control-panel application, should open in developer mode (less performant than release but supports hot reloading, devtools etc.)

Build release version

Just run

$ npm run tauri build

Afterwards the executable app bundle can be found somewhere in src-tauri/target/release/bundle/ depending on your platform