Now you can build fresh vagrant, virtualbox and VMware Sabayon images with packer.
those are the variables that can be tweaked:
while some of them are self-explanatory, those are the interesting to punt to a specific build type:
Note: use the images.json for custom builds, vagrant.json is used for Atlas automatic building system
Download the repository and then, choose on what are you interested in:
packer build -var "vagrant=vagrant" -only virtualbox-iso images.json
Note: vagrant images are also available in Hashicorp's Atlas: Sabayon/spinbase-amd64.
If you have Vagrant this should be straightforward:
vagrant init Sabayon/spinbase-amd64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
You can always download the boxes using Atlas providers link:**[TAG]**/providers/
If you want to build a SpinBase, withouth vagrant credentials, you have to run:
packer build -var "flavor=SpinBase" -var "vagrant=" -only virtualbox-iso images.json
Note: This will produce a vagrant box as well
packer build -var "flavor=SpinBase" -var "vagrant=" -only vmware-iso images.json
packer build -var "flavor=SpinBase" -var "vagrant=" -only qemu images.json
The root user has the root password, so if you are going to deploy this image, you want to change that.
Optional: If you enabled the build with vagrant, a user "vagrant" with password vagrant will be created. That can be accessed by issuing "vagrant ssh" (pubkeys are the insecure ones needed by Vagrant).