muenchhausen / docker-squidguard

squidGuard extension to sameersbn/docker-squid
MIT License
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Introduction Build Status

this image is an squidGuard addition to sameersbn/docker-squid. I find squidGuard very useful to limit access to certain internet pages and to reduce the risk for downloading dangerous software. A central filtering solution is preferred especially if you have a family with children and different devices.

new: You can run this container with own white- and blacklists or with public available lists from an external source. Recommended blacklists are provided by shallalist - with some license restrictions especially for commercial use.

**new: You can combine this Container extremely simple with sebp/elk. Just follow the instructions in muenchhausen/docker-squidguard-elk!


Sample 1: black- and whitelists from shallalist

create a docker-compose.yml file

  image: muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest
    - "3128:3128"
    - "80:80"
    - 3128
    - 80

Setting the env Variable UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL, the configuration in folder sample-config-blacklist will be used. Otherwise the sample-config-simple is used. In practice you need to configure your own black- and whitelists - see the next sample.

Sample 2: own whitelists

create a docker-compose.yml file:

  image: muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest
    - SQUID_CONFIG_SOURCE=/custom-config
    - SQUID_UID=1000          # only required if MAC OS is used: UserID for user proxy
    - "3128:3128"
    - "80:80"
    - 3128
    - 80
    - /Users/derk/myconfig:/custom-config     # please set here your PATH to your config folder!

See this docker-compose.yml file for all possible settings.

create a squidGuard.conf file in your local myconfig directory

dbhome /var/lib/squidguard/db
logdir /var/log/squidguard

dest mywhite {
        domainlist      /custom-config/whiteDomains
        urllist         /custom-config/whiteUrls

acl {
        default {
                pass    mywhite none
                redirect http://localhost/block.html

create a whiteDomains file in your local myconfig directory

create a whiteUrls file in your local myconfig directory

Sample 3: own blacklists combined with shallalist

see muenchhausen/docker-squidguard-elk !

Run and Test it!


Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD)

This image includes also automatic proxy discovery based on WPAD and DHCP. The included Webserver serves wpad.dat.

add the following to your docker-compose.yml file

    - WPAD_IP=

To use WPAD, add a cusom-proxy-server option 252 to your DHCP server. Use "http://${WPAD_IP}/wpad.dat" e.g. "" as your option value. See squidGuard Wiki for further details.

You can add these settings also to your compose file -

The default WPAD settings are the following:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
    if (isInNet(host, "{{WPAD_NOPROXY_NET}}", "{{WPAD_NOPROXY_MASK}}"))
        return "DIRECT";
        return "PROXY {{WPAD_IP}}:3128";

You can put your custom wpad.dat file to your mapped config folder.

The standard message for a blocked page is

This URL was blocked by your docker-squidguard!

You can modify this, if you place your custom block.html file to your mapped config folder.

recommended documentation

For Squid basis configuration, please refer to the documentation of sameersbn/docker-squid.

A simple documentation of how to configure squidGuard blacklists can be found in the squidGuard configuration documentation.

run it without docker-compose

it is of course possible to run the container also without docker-compose - e.g.:

docker run --name='squidguard' -it --env UPDATE_BLACKLIST_URL= --env WPAD_IP= --env WPAD_NOPROXY_NET= --env WPAD_NOPROXY_MASK= --rm -p 3128:3128 -p 80:80 muenchhausen/docker-squidguard:latest

Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. Either add after the run command or tun e.g.

docker exec -it dockersquidguard_squidguard_1 bash

Autostart the container

add the parameter --restart=always to your docker run command.