muhammadali96 / AgileTemplates-SimpleNotes
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Simple Blog

This is a simple blogging application.

✨ Quick Start Guide

yarn # install dependencies
npm install netlify-cli -g # install netlify dev
yarn dev # Start client and server

Visit http://localhost:8888.

(Do not use localhost:3000, it will not work).

πŸ”— Linking a database

When you first run the app locally you will get an error message saying no database found. This app needs a database to function.

Set up a free database at ElephantSQL. Once it is created you will get a Database URL. We need to add this Database URL to your environment so the app knows where to save data. Copy the Database URL and paste it into the .env.example file.

It will look something like this:


In order to load new environment variables you may need to quit the process and restart. In your terminal type Crtl+C to quit and then run yarn dev again to restart.

A table and some mock data will automatically be created for you.

πŸ’» The code

Inside the src folder you will find two directories: server and client.

βœ… Issues

You are now ready to start working on this project. You have been given a list of issues. Each issue should be completed in isolation. once you have completed an issue create a Pull Request but do not merge it. An issue is considered complete once you have opened the pull request. You can then go back to main, create a new branch and work on the next issue.

Click the 'Projects' tab at the top of this page to get started.