muhammadarsal / ng-select2

Angular 4 wrapper for jQuery select2
7 stars 39 forks source link

Angular 4 wrapper component of jquery select2 (ng-select2)

npm version MIT Licence

For Angular version 4.x.x and up. Forked from ng2-select2. Supports two-way data-binding.


For this plugin to work you need to add two javascript libraries to your project

First install jQuery using npm

npm i -S jquery

Then install select2 using npm

npm i -S select2

Now include their scrpits and styles in your angularcli.json file

"styles": [
"scripts": [


Add package to your project npm i -S ng-select2 (this will save package to your dependencies in package.json)

Basic implementation

1) Add declaration to your app.module.ts

import { NgSelect2Module } from 'ng-select2';

  imports: [

2) Add it to your template.

<ng-select2 [data]="exampleData"></ng-select2>

Two-way data-binding

    [placeholder]="'Please select a fruit...'">     


