muhlba91 / gradle-dependency-update-notifier

Gradle Plugin creating GitLab issues for dependency updates
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
0 stars 2 forks source link
dependencies gitlab gradle gradle-plugin versions

Dependency Update Notifier (Gradle Plugin)

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This Gradle plugin creates GitLab issues for outdated project dependencies found by the Gradle Versions Plugin.

Link to the Gradle Plugin Registry.


The documentation can be found here.


plugins block:

Build script snippet for plugins DSL for Gradle 2.1 and later:

plugins {
  id "org.muehlbachler.gradle.plugin.dependency-update-notifier" version "$version"

buildscript block:

Build script snippet for use in older Gradle versions or where dynamic configuration is required:

apply plugin: "org.muehlbachler.gradle.plugin.dependency-update-notifier"

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url ""}

  dependencies {
    classpath "org.muehlbachler.gradle.plugin.dependency-update-notifier:$version"

GitLab Issue Notifier

After configuring the plugin and executing dependencyUpdates from the Versions plugin, you can run

gradle gitlabDependencyUpdateNotifier

to create an issue like:

Created Issue

Commit Message

This project follows Conventional Commits, and your commit message must also adhere to the additional rules outlined in .conform.yaml.


To draft a release, use standard-version:

$ standard-version
# alternatively
$ npx standard-version

Finally, push with tags:

$ git push --follow-tags


Please feel free to contribute, be it with Issues or Pull Requests! Please read the Contribution guidelines


If you enjoy the application and want to support my efforts, please feel free to buy me a coffe. :)

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