mulesoft / mule-tooling-incubator

Mule Tooling Incubator Projects
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

Mule Tooling Incubator

This project allows user to create and expose easily their own plugins for Mule Studio.

How To Start

  1. Import all mule-tooling-incubator. File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> mule-tooling-incubator folder.

  2. Open -> Wait till eclipse finish Resoliving Target Definition -> Click in Set as Target Platform

How To Run your plugin

  1. Open studio.product file and click on Launch Eclipse Application Icon (Upper Left Green Play Icon)

  2. This should launch a Mule Studio. To add your new plugin, Go to Run Configurations .. -> Plug Ins tab and select your new plugin.

  3. Hack Mule Studio!!!!

What is API and what not?

You can use any part of the code that you want but is likely to change between releases. We suggest the use of Eclipse Extension points that MuleStudio exposes or Events, this two are likely to be mantained between releases. We are trying to document the extension points and Mule Events but this is a work in progress, be patient.


MuleStudio use an org.mule.tooling.core.event.EventBus to dispatch Custom Studio Events. This are very useful to get for example when an element is being selected or deleted. Or when the current IMuleProject has change, etc.

How to register

In order to register you need to get an instance of the event bus. For the core events the way to get it is

MuleCorePlugin.getEventBus().registerListener(CoreEventTypes.ON_CURRENT_EDITOR_PART_CHANGED, new IEditorPartChangedListener() {

This method returns an EventRegistrationHandler that allows to easily un register when required.

Un registering is VERY important to avoid memory leaks.

Extension point

The most common way of contributing to eclipse is using this mechanism. Mule Studio has pleanty of extension points that allows to contribute to a given part of the Tool.


This example shows how to contribute with an external contribution.