mulian / modal-file-manager

A file browser in modal Panel for
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Option to hide ignored files #4

Open neumond opened 8 years ago

neumond commented 8 years ago

Hi, You're making a nice extension. But I have a problem: along with code there are LOTS of files hidden by my gitignore, and modal file manager shows them all, killing all the benefits of keyboard using speed up.

UPD: Hmm. Well, I see that extension allows browsing full filesystem, so this is not that simple to implement. I would like to have additional command of navigating over current project with all ignorance settings applied and without ability to go outside.

mulian commented 8 years ago

Could I separate your enhancement like this?

  1. hide .gitignore files
  2. project navigation jail: (but not with additional commands)
    • Only navigate in current (first) project. As an setting-option.

I don’t see only benefits for the first enhancement. Because if i implement this, i should also implement .npmignore and all other ignore-systems too.

And there is already an hide System:

Is this is a good workaround for you?

I like your second enhancement "project jail"! I will add it in the next version.

neumond commented 8 years ago

Working with python or C often produces binary files, like .o or .pyc. Same with javascript, often I want to hide intermediate building products like minimized or coffeescript compiled items. There's no way to rename these files. I expected your extension to behave exactly like atom file tree, but it works on its own logic.

mulian commented 8 years ago

Ah ok! We should add this as an option. And you should be able to rename the Filename in Settings (default: .gitignore). Then you are able to use your own files or .npmignore or other ignore files in same format. Is this ok?

Im just very busy so it could take some time.

neumond commented 8 years ago

Maybe use atom tree as optional dependence and reuse its components? Like settings, styling (e.g. I have filetype icons, stock git color highlighting, etc) and others. At least reuse its file filtering. This should greatly reduce amount of work and amount of headache for users. Also, I wouldn't mind if going outside the jail will simply list opened projects, exactly like they listed in atom tree. All this can make your extension zeroconf.

mulian commented 8 years ago

Good ideas!

We should use Atoms Gitrepository Object. This is the same what you meant.

With this we will lose the ability to use .npmignore or something else. But the run time should be nice and it is easy to implement. :)

And your Idea with simply list of opened projects before root of Projekt is nice!

This will be part of the first major version!