mulian / modal-file-manager

A file browser in modal Panel for
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Use the core-package fuzzy-finder instead.

modal-file-manager package

A file browser in modal Panel.

A screenshot of modal file manager v0.1.0

Install & Open

  1. Install
    • Atom: Preferences -> install -> search "modal file manager" -> install
    • Terminal: apm install modal-file-manager
  2. Open
    • Shortcut: Mac [CMD+SHIFT+M] or Win/Linux [ALT-SHIFT-M]
    • Menu Bar: Packages -> Modal File Manager -> Show
    • Command: [CMD/CTRL-SHIFT-P] -> type 'modal file manager toggle' -> comfirm



Use the Modal File Manager as lib

You could use this File Manager as lib for Packages like

  atom.pickDirectory (path) ->
    console.log path

Use Steps

  1. add following to your package.json in dependencies:
    "modal-file-manager": "git+"
  2. in your Project root: npm update
  3. Use the ModalFileManagerView:
    {ModalFileManagerView} = require 'modal-file-manager'
    modalFileManagerView = new ModalFileManagerView
    deep: 0 #see Settings
    filterDir : false
    filterFile : true
    showHidden : false

change options:

modalFileManagerView.setOptions deep: 1 "/", (file) -> console.log "selected file-/folder name: #{file.getBaseName()}"

#### Comfirmation Filter example
  filterDir = false
  filterFile = true

Regular Expression

for example:

  filterDir = /.app$/

Restrict the comfirmation to comfirm only Folder with (usefull for mac os apps) (same with .file)


Please let me know, if you use this Project as lib.