multiscale-cosim / TVB-NEST

EBRAINS The Virtual Brain - NEST cosimulation
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EBRAINS The Virtual Brain - NEST cosimulation


This is a proof of concept for the co-simulation between TVB and NEST. It should be flexible and scalable to adapt to any networks simulation and run in supercomputers.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and update
    1. Advice for using the repository
    2. Different Installation
  2. Example
    1. Mouse Brain
  3. Dependencies
    1. Nest
    2. MPI
    3. Python library
  4. Adaptation to your own usage
    1. The management of parameters or change parameters
    2. The modification of translation
    3. The modification of Nest configuration
    4. The modification of TVB configuration
  5. Tests
    1. How to test the installation
  6. Cluster
    1. Deepest
  7. Future implementation
  8. Extension
  9. Files

Installation and update :

Advice for using the repertory :

For cloning the project, you also need to clone the submodule (git submodule). \ I advise you to clone the repertory with the following command : git clone --recurse-submodules

For updating the folder, you also need to update the submodule by the following command: git submodule update.

Different Installation :

In the folder installation, you have three possibilities :

If you install in your computer, you should look at the configuration file of the singularity configuration or the local installation.\ The installation is not for the moment standardize.\ For testing your installation, you should look at the section Test or the folder tests.


In the folder example, you can find jupyter notebook for having a demonstration of this project and some result of the simulation. The result of the simulation can help you to understand the structure of folders for saving the output of simulation and to prepare your visualization. The structure of the result is defined in the orchestrator file, it can be modified but this organization helps to separate the different modules of the simulation and the logs.

The example is based on the application of the framework. For the moment, there is only one application.

Mouse Brain

This example is a demonstration of the full-mouse brain with 2 regions simulate with Nest.\ For running this example, you need to create the full image of singularity which contains all the modules for the jupyter notebook. Once you have this image, you should launch the next command of the folder example:

singularity run --app jupyter-notebook ../install/singularity/Nest_TVB_full.simg

The jupyter home page will start in your browser and you can launch the jupyter notebook.

This example is composed of 4 parts:

  1. The explanation of all the parameters of the application
  2. The running part of the application
  3. The display of the result of the simulation (short simulation)
  4. The display of the result of a long simulation



The version of Nest is base of Nest 3 is already included in the repertory\ For the dependency of Nest, you should look at this page : \ For having the correct configuration parameters of Nest, you should look at this page : \ I use the next commands for compiling nest : \


MPI need to be MPI-3 ( I use the following implementation :

Python library

The script 'install/py_venv/' is to install all python dependency in a virtual environment in the current folder. (see installation section)

Python library :

  1. nose
  2. numpy
  3. cython
  4. Pillow
  5. scipy
  6. elephant
  7. mpi4py
  8. tvb-library version >=2.0
  9. tvb-data version >=2.0
  10. tvb-gdist version >=2.0

Adaptation to your own usage

The management of parameters or change parameters:

The file 'nest_elephant_nest/orchestrator/' which manages the modification of parameters of the exploration and links parameters. If you change a parameter, you should be careful of the dependency between parameters ( see the file 'example/parameter/' ). If you explore a particular parameter, you should be careful of the name of parameters and the real modification of it.

If you modify the translation part :

The translation function is simple to change the function. In the files, 'nest_elephant_nest/translation/' or '' contains all the functions for exploring different solution of translations. The translation tvb to nest is composed of one function :

If you modify the Nest configuration:

You should create a new file in 'nest_elephant_nest/Nest/ ' and modify the orchestrator and the script 'nest_elephant_nest/Nest/'. The orchestrator needs to have access to 2 files for the co-simulation : spike_generators.txt and spikes_detectors.txt . These files contain the ids of devices for the connection with Nest and there are generate by the configuration of Nest. If you need an example, you can look 'nest_elephant_nest/Nest/'. The example is composed of functions for the configuration of the simulator and the running functions at the end.

There are 5 steps :

The first 4 steps are the initialization of Nest.\ If you include or remove the parameters of Nest, you need to change 'nest_elephant_nest/simulation/' to include or remove the link between parameters. Moreover, the name of the section of parameters need to begin by 'param'.

If you modify TVB configuration:

You should change the beginning of the file nest_elephant_nest/TVB/ . This file contains the initialization and configuration of TVB in the function init. All the parameters are used in this file. The other function is the wrapper for I/O communication with MPI and the launcher of the simulator TVB. The dependency with the parameter of Nest is defined in 'nest_elephant_nest/orchestrator/'. There exist two types of monitors depending on your use of the model TVB. is to include a measure from Nest inside the model. is to replace the coupling variable by a measure from Nest.


How to test the installation (they don't check the correctness of the simulation)

  1. Test the Nest I/O :

    1. 'tests/'\ The test is for the step current generator with mpi communication. The array at this end of the output is the event record by a spike detector. If there is an event from the neurons 1, this meaning the device impact the dynamic of the neuron.
    2. 'tests/'\ The test is for the step current generator with mpi communication in different parameterization of Nest. The parameter testing is for testing the case of use only threading, use only MPI process or a mix of the two. The checking is the same then previously for each test. The time of each spike events between runs need to be different.
    3. 'tests/'\ The test is for the device spike generator with mpi communication. The two arrays at this end of the output is the event record by a spike detector. The first array is a recording of the neurons 1. If there are events, this means the spike generator doesn't have an impact on the neurons. The second array is a recording of the two spike generator itself. If there is no event from the id 7, this mean there will be a problem. We can compare the value of the array with the data send previously.
    4. 'tests/'\ It's the same test as previously, except the definition of the parameters is done before the creation of the device.
    5. 'tests/'\ It's the same test as previously, except that Nest use multithreading.
    6. 'tests/'\ It's the same test as previously, except that Nest use multithreading.
    7. 'tests/'\ The test is for testing the spike detector and the spike generator with mpi communication. It's just to test it's possible to run it.
    8. 'tests/' (also test the multithreading) The test is for testing the spike detector and the spike generator with mpi communication in different parameterization of Nest. The parameter testing is for testing the case of use only threading, use only MPI process or a mix of the two. It's just to test it's possible to run it.
    9. 'tests/test_nest_MPI_threading/'\ This script is based on a generic test for testing the multithreading of nest. However it's too complex but it seems to test correctly Nest.
  2. Translation:

    1. 'tests/'\ This test is for the module translation between Tvb to Nest. You can check if it succeeds to exist without error (exit of Nest Input and TVB output and the end of the processes). You can check if they receive size and the array are different to zero for Nest INPUT. Nest Input (x) needs to be different.
    2. 'tests/'\ This test is for the module translation between Nest to TVB. You can check if it succeeds to exist without error (exit of Nest Output and TVB input and the end of the processes). The second evaluation is by looking at the alternation between TVB INPUT and NEST OUTPUT. The third check is the right value of Nest Output need to be different to zeros (number of spikes receive * 3)
    3. 'tests/'\ This test is for the module translation between Nest save. The implementation of this translator reuse the interface with Nest from Nest to TVB. You can check if it succeeds to exist without error (exit of Nest Output and the end of the processes).
  3. Orchestrator:

    1. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D of TVB only with one region
    2. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D of TVB only with the test parameter
    3. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D of Nest only with one region
    4. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D of Nest only with the test parameter
    5. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D of Nest with translator for saving the mean firing rate
    6. 'tests/' : run exploration 2D co-simulation with test parameter
    7. 'tests/' : file using by
  4. Test the co-simulation:

    1. 'tests/'\ This test is for the application. It tests the co-simulation in different parameterization of Nest. The parameter testing is for testing the case of use only threading, use only MPI process or a mix of the two. The success of these tests is to arrive at the end without any errors.
  5. For testing the co-simulation in a container : (see installation for the creation of image)

    • 'install/docker/'
    • 'install/singularity/'

    These tests are based on the script 'tests/'. They need a parameter to choose the image to test.\ For docker, 0 is for alpine distribution (local:NEST_TVB_IO) and 1 is for the debian distribution (local:NEST_TVB_IO_2).\ For singularity, 0 is for the full image (Nest_TVB_full.simg), 1 is for alpine distribution (Nest_TVB_1.simg) and 2 is for debian distribution (Nest_TVB_2.simg).


The option for using the project in a cluster is based on the system manager slum. If you have another system manager, you need to modify all 'nest_elephant/orchestrator/'. For the moment, it's impossible to add options to slurm but it's easy to add this feature. WARNING: this project is only tested on DEEPEST.


The installation and the option for the cluster are built for DEEPEST ( The file 'install/deep/' is to compile and install all the python library in the folder lib for the usage in the cluster. For testing the installation, you need to change the file /tests/ The paraemter CLUSTER and DEEPEST need be change from 'false' to 'true'.

Future implementation :

  1. Add test for the input and output of interface TVB.
  2. Add test for validating values of a simulation
  3. Add some functions of the simulation Nest to include multimeter recorder and other stimuli.
  4. Refractor the code to avoid the same piece of code in different file ( example : the creation of a logger, ...)

Extension :

  1. Improve the orchestrator for managing communication of MPI and the synchronization between all processes
