multivendorx / MultiVendorX

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=== Multivendor Marketplace Solution for WooCommerce - MultiVendorX === Contributors: wcmp, purnendu Tags: multi vendor marketplace, woocommerce multivendor marketplace, multi seller store, product vendors, best marketplace plugin, multi seller, one product multi seller, woocommerce vendors, ebay, etsy, amazon, commission rate, marketplace, multi vendor, woocommerce marketplace, woocommerce multivendor, multivendor Donate link: Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 6.4.2 Requires PHP: 8.0 Stable tag: 4.1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

MultiVendorX - brings you, your easiest and one stop solution to build a perfect online marketplace website.

== Description ==


MultiVendorX is the Best WordPress multivendor plugin seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce, empowering you to build a full-fledged multi-vendor marketplace. With MultiVendorX, you can effortlessly bring your dream marketplace to life in just minutes, with minimal setup. Ideal for entrepreneurs aiming to establish their own multivendor platform reminiscent of popular marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Airbnb , or Flipkart.

= Try us because we provide: =

= Marketplaces You Can Set Up with MultiVendorX: =

== 🌟 MultiVendorX offers you all the features needed to run a successful marketplace: ==

Explore all MultiVendorX's Features here.

πŸ‘‰ Official Demo Link: Try out Free and Pro MultiVendorX

= 🌟 Hear directly from our valued customers! =

πŸ™† β€œ Reasonable price, fully customisable, anyone can build a marketplace of their own, custom team is always there and they are quick, friendly and gives solution for all queries” - James

πŸ™† β€œ Very satisfied, Easy set up and configuration, customisable according to requirement, seller dashboard with more view of sales” - Kevajo

= 🌟 Taste Victory of Advanced Features of MultiVendorX Pro: = Competition requires having the right toolkit. To keep you ahead of your competitors, we bring to you a list of affordable and upgraded features with MultiVendorX Pro.

πŸ‘‰ UPGRADE TO MultiVendorX Pro

πŸ‘‰ Official Demo Link: Try out Free and Pro MultiVendorX

= Migrate to MultiVendorX worry-free! =

If you're currently using WCFM Marketplace, WC Vendors, or Dokan Multivendor and want to make the switch, our seamless migration tool makes it easy. You can sample everything before committing, ensuring a smooth transition without losing any valuable data. Our tool effortlessly transfers data from Dokan or any other WooCommerce-compatible marketplace plugin to MultiVendorX, so you can become a MultiVendorXian with confidence.

= Third party compatibility =

🌐 Multiple Language Support – With the latest addition of the WPML integration, vendors can now organize their product data in various languages. πŸ› οΈ Elementor Compatibility – MultiVendorX’s Elementor compatibility brings an easy page builder feature. Vendors can effortlessly create shop pages by dragging and dropping elements. 🌍 GEO My WP : Integrate location-based features to enhance your marketplace. πŸ’Ό WP Affiliate : Integrate affiliate marketing seamlessly into your platform. πŸ“ Advanced Custom Field : Customize product fields for more detailed product listings. 🀝 BuddyPress - Enables social networking features for stores. βž• Product Add-Ons - Enhance your offerings by providing options like gift wrapping, special messages, and more alongside your main products. 🚒 ShipStation Integration - Seamlessly integrate ShipStation's post-shipping features like label printing for your vendors. 🚚 Per Product Shipping : Allows vendors to customize shipping costs for individual products, ensuring flexibility and accuracy in shipping charges. 🎁 YITH Gift Cards : Enable this feature to offer gift cards, increasing your store's revenue and attracting new customers.

= Short Codes =

πŸ‘‰ [mvx_vendorslist] = Displays all vendors in a list, allowing users to sort vendors by location, category, etc. πŸ‘‰ [mvx_best_selling_products vendor="" ] = Displays the best selling products of the vendor. πŸ‘‰ [mvx_featured_products vendor="" ] = Displays the featured products added by vendor. πŸ‘‰ [mvx_product_category vendor=] = Displays the product categories added by the vendor. And many more.

= Widgets = πŸ›οΈ Vendors List: View all registered vendors on your site for easy customer search. πŸ“ Vendor’s Store Location: Displays the vendor's store location on their shop page. πŸ’‘ Vendor’s Quick Info: Provides a brief introduction about vendors on their shop page. πŸ“¦ Vendor’s Product Categories: Shows all product categories assigned by the vendor along with the number of products in their shop page. And many more.

== Installation == NOTE: MultiVendorX plugin is an extension of WooCommerce, so the WooCommerce plugin must be installed and activated in your WordPress site for this plugin to work properly.

  1. Download and install MultiVendorX plugin using the built-in WordPress plugin installer. If you download MultiVendorX plugin manually, make sure it is uploaded to /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. Or follow the steps below: Plugins > Add new > Upload plugin > Upload > Install Now > Activate Plugin.
  2. Configure as you see fit, under MultiVendorX / Settings.
  3. Configure email notifications from WooCommerce / Settings.
  4. View Commissions under MultiVendorX / Commissions.
  5. View reports MultiVendorX / Reports.

== Frequently Asked Questions == = How can customers search for vendors by location? = Ans. Using shortcode [mvx_vendorslist], you will have a list of vendors page, where customer cn search them by location. = How are commissions calculated and paid out? = Ans. Commissions are calculated based on the rules set in the [Commission Management]() section. Payouts can be automated or manually processed as per the marketplace settings. = How can I let vendor add variable products or Booking products? = Ans. To enable vendors to list variable products, the [MultiVendorX Pro]()( version is required. = Where can I find the REST API documentation? = Ans. You can find the documentation of our REST API on the MultiVendorX REST API Docs. = Can a vendor sell same product that is sold by other vendors? = Ans. Yes, using our SPMV flow, you can let vendor add and sell , already existed product in your site. = Do you have any coding snippets available, that are widely used by others? = Ans. Yes, you can access them here - = MultiVendorX is awesome! Can I contribute? = Ans. Obviously, you can! Join in on our GitHub repository :)

== Screenshots == 1. Vendor Dashboard. 2. General settings. 3. Vendor front-end settings. 4. Payment settings. 5. Capability settings. 6. Vendor storefront settings. 7. Vendor commissions. 8. Vendor sales reports. 9. Product specific sales report. 10. Vendors management backend. 11. Vendor quick view. 12. Vendor application and admin notes.

  1. Vendor profile management form dashboard. 14. Show Multiple Seller in Single Product.

== Changelog ==

= 4.0.0 - 2022-10-18 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 7.0.0. * Added - MultiVendorX released. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.9.3 - 2022-09-29 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.9.4 * Added - Pinterest social field support with elementor added. * Updated

= 3.9.2 - 2022-09-13 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 6.0.2 * Added - Pinterest social field added. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.9.1 - 2022-08-26 = * Fix - MultiVendorX beta notice closing issue.

= 3.9.0 - 2022-08-24 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.8.2. * Added - MultiVendorX beta version released. * Fix - Backend vendor attach with the product #1105. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.12 - 2022-08-10 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.8.0. * Fix - Translation Issue #1101. * Fix - Vulnerability Issue #1098. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-07-26 = * Added - Percentage and fixed per unit support with gateway charge type. * Fix - An error doesn't display if a username exists on vendor creation. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-07-13 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 6.0.1 * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.7.0. * Added - Location track button in list page #1080 * Enhancement - Regenerate Vendor Commission flow #1096 * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-06-30 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.6.1. * Added - Transaction details added on customer my account order page #931 * Enhancement - Taxonomy upgrade. * Fix - Repeat Subscription Not Assigned to Vendor. * Fix - Vendor dashboard widget design broken for a few sites. * Fix - Error on product page #1094. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-06-08 = * Fix - Vendor not able to publish products #1092. * Fix - Vendor Backend Report #1090. * Fix - Product Quote Issue #1091. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-05-27 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 6.0. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.5.1. * Fix - Re-edited product publish issue #1084. * Fix - When logged he's redirected to the vendor dashboard, whereas he should remain in the checkout page #1087. * Enhancement - Grunt version updated. * Enhancement - Contact Vendor Mail add product name #1085. * Enhancement - Stop creating sub order for failed order #1086. * Dev - Added woocomerce_checkout_page_name_from_url filter. * Dev - Added mvx_create_order_commissions_as_per_statuses filter. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-05-12 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.5.0. * Dev - Added mvx_after_vendor_ship_save action. * Enhancement - Grunt version updated. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-04-12 = * Fix - Recapta issue #1072. * Fix - Limit zone saved issue #1067. * Fix - WPML Error #1068. * Fix - Load more not working #1070. * Fix - Error at backend #1075. * Fix - Order Export omitting orders with deleted products #1043. * Dev - Added mvx_order_export_if_product_exist filter. * Updated - Language file.

= - 2022-03-24 = * Fix - Error if elementor pro is deactive. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.11 - 2022-03-23 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.9.2. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.3.1. * Enhancement - Elementor filter update #1061. * Added - Create Sub order via bulk action. * Fix - Refund creating two notes #1064. * Fix - Issue at the time of full refund #1065. * Fix - Page title error #1058. * Fix - Recaptcha version 2 not working #1053. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.10 - 2022-03-02 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.9.1. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.2.1. * Fix - Report filter not working #1049. * Fix - Error in action section of orders in Vendor Dashboard #1049. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.9 - 2022-02-16 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.2.0. * Fix - Search SPMV product more than 10 #1020. * Fix - Error on add product page #1040. * Fix - Cancel Email stop for Vendor new order #1044. * Fix - Updated slug issue #1038. * Fix - Missing strings in .pot file #1032. * Fix - Shipping option should not be there in vendor dashboard for local pickup #1026. * Fix - MVX Email Footer text not changing #1025. * Fix - Stripe connect account bug. * Fix - Elementor code update. * Dev - Added mvx_spmv_list_product_search_number filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.8 - 2022-01-29 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.9. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.1.1. * Fix - Update commission flow #1031. * Fix - Multi time mail issue #1035. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.7 - 2022-01-20 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.1.0. * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.8.3. * Enhancement - Commission flow enhancement. * Fix - Products in vendor list page not updating even after deleting #1028. * Fix - Address not shown in vendor list page #1023. * Fix - Email template subject issue #1022. * Dev - Added mvx_admin_published_product_to_vendor_email_subject filter. * Dev - Added mvx_vendor_top_product_list_suffle filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.6 - 2022-01-05 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 6.0.0. * Fix - Table rate shipping not saving decimal value #993. * Fix - Vendor setup widget site title broken #994. * Fix - Admin order list page php notice issue on suborder column #998. * Fix - Announcement email HTML formatting issue #996. * Fix - Vendor name display in announcement email #1006. * Fix - Coupon display issue #1004. * Dev

= 3.8.5 - 2021-12-15 = * Added - Bulk Mark as Shipped #786. * Added - Order search in vendor dashboard #692. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.4 - 2021-11-30 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.9.0. * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.8.2. * Added - Let admin set location of the vendor #972. * Added - Vendor shipping option re-arranging and making default #980. * Added - Video Upload on wp editor #933. * Added - Filter added for vendor's product image size #984. * Enhancement - Modify the approval needs to publish re-edited product #977. * Fix - Social media icons of vendor store page not inappropriate position #983. * Fix - To-do list dismiss note issue #982. * Fix - WordPress structure #966. * Dev - Added mvx_product_uploaded_image_size filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.3 - 2021-11-09 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.8.0. * Enhancement - Display Announcement Content #971. * Enhancement - Filter added for calcuating gateway charge after refund amount. * Fix - Product review sync issue. * Fix - Follow button not working for other languages. * Fix - Commission issue after refund #976. * Fix - Downloadable product save issue #975. * Fix - Vendor setup widget css broken #968. * Fix - Email error #978. * Fix - Error at myaccount view order page. * Fix - Do not automatically refund parent order filter added. * Fix - Bulk vendor delete not working #981. * Updated

= 3.8.2 - 2021-11-10 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.7.1. * Fix - Commission for deleted order not getting delete #960. * Fix - Review not showing for non-login user #958. * Fix - Issue with "Admin created coupon excluded" option of coupon. #957. * Fix - "Hide phone in front end" and "Hide email in front end" not working with elementor #955. * Fix - Add coupon issue for follow vendor #954. * Fix - Gateway Calculation charge #952. * Fix - Conflict with siteground hosting server. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.8.1 - 2021-10-20 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.8.1. * Enhancement - Admin coupon application for share discount coupon #941. * Fix - Recalculate Gateway Charge #945. * Fix - Table Rate plugin error #943. * Fix - Order Discount display in sub order. #940. * Fix

= 3.8.0 - 2021-09-01 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.6.0. * Added - Multi section Review System #871. * Added - Product and vendor review sync #751. * Added - Country wise shipping. * Added - Purchase wise commission. * Added - Automatic Split Payment detection #938. * Added - New Commission %+fixed per vendor #934. * Added - Mapbox zoom in and zoom out feature #929. * Added - Nested multi-input library. * Fix - Product and Coupon data is removing at the time of publishing product error #927. * Fix - Transaction email Html issue #937. * Fix

= 3.7.8 - 2021-08-04 = * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.5.2. * Added - Added filter for third party logo modification #920. * Fix - Error from new order plain mail #922. * Fix - spelling mistake on the shipping page #921. * Fix - Parameter mismatch with the third party plugin #919. * Fix - Stock status code issue at vendor dashboard #918. * Fix - Suborder search issue #917. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.7.7 - 2021-07-22 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.8. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.5.1. * Added - Create a new section for vendor shipping #909. * Added - Update description #908. * Added - Suborder creation via backend #903. * Fix - Backend search not working #901. * Fix - Policy tab display at the shop when admin disable it. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.7.6 - 2021-07-06 = * Added - Distance wise shipping #872. * Added

= 3.7.5 - 2021-06-15 = * Added - Commission by product price #870. * Added - LinkedIn & Instagram support with elementor. * Added - Let admin decide whether the vendor can change the order status #777. * Added - Admin can set order status for withdrawal #777. * Added - Compatibility of WooCommerce 5.4.1. * Enhancement - Shipping module enhancement #865. * Fix - First product missing from elementor page #866. * Fix - Pagination not working in the payment history page #864. * Fix - Rejected vendor issue #860. * Fix - Update Razorpay link #862. * Fix - Checking issue #861. * Fix - Free shipping coupon missing #846. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_vendor_product_page filter. * Dev - Added withdrawl_order_status filter. * Dev - Added mvx_menu_manager_fields filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.7.4 - 2021-05-25 = * Added - Mapbox API integration #780. * Added

= 3.7.3 - 2021-05-11 = * Added - Razor pay payment gateway integration. * Added - Order search for refund request #822. * Added - Older version review link compatibility with filter #835. * Enhancement - Shipping settings enhancement #843. * Enhancement - Grunt version updated. * Fix - Admin end gateway charge section js issue #845. * Fix - Display output modification on the shop page #833. * Fix - Woocommerce order count display issue #831. * Fix - Mobile view issue at the shop page #829. * Fix - Increase the size of social icons on the shop page #827. * Fix - Vendor shop page endpoints are not working when vendor nickname and shop slug are different #826. * Fix - Error at checkout page #830. * Fix - Added filter for create commission with coupon #828. * Dev - Added mvx_admin_pay_commission_more_than_order_amount filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.7.2 - 2021-04-27 = * Added - Vendor mail when order status changed by admin #802. * Added - Sales report mail as per custom date selected by admin #782. * Added - MVX Sidebar help #814. * Fix - Vendor quick view widget is not working #823. * Fix - Todo list number count issue #819. * Fix - Vendor 404 page not working #818. * Fix - Mobile view issue at shop page #816. * Fix - Customer Q&A not wokring on Russian Language #813. * Fix - Stock table is empty at dashboard product page #812. * Fix - To-do list page icon not working #807. * Fix - String issue at dashboard shipping page #778. * Fix - Error at admin section setup widget page. * Dev - Added custom_date_order_stat_report_mail filter. * Dev - Added mvx_enabled_vendor_monthly_report_mail filter. * Dev - Added custom_date_order_stat_report_mail filter. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.7.1 - 2021-04-09 = * Added - Vendor shop page old structure support along with new structure. * Added - Language French compatibility #794. * Added - Shop page tabs position can be changed by using priority. * Added - Store description support with Elementor #801. * Added - Compatibility of PHP 8.0.3. * Enhancement - Keep the vendor sidebar option enabled by default. * Enhancement - Create a follow user list at the admin backend. * Fix - Vendor list page icon issue. * Fix

= 3.7.0 - 2021-03-30 = * Added - MVX Store Follow. * Added - Elementor support with MVX vendor shop page. * Added - Migration support from other multivendors( Dokan, wcfm, wc vendors, woocommerce product vendor ). * Added - Brand new vendor list design. * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.7. * Fix - Bulk product action not working in vendor dashboard #775. * Fix - Shipping title is missing #763. * Fix - SQL syntax issue #760. * Fix - Purchase note of the product is not saving #757. * Fix - List all orders by vendor returns empty Array #750. * Fix - Vendors when try to edit downloadable products they are not able to see the downloadable files #749. * Fix - Vendor storefront, policy page, store description editor breaking in mobile view #746. * Fix - Order Status Bulk Change not working #742. * Fix - sale price date javascript issue #739. * Fix - Suborder remove from woocommerce orders rest API. * Fix - Text correction at vendor dashboard. * Fix - Vendor dashboard responsive issue. * Fix - Vendor Coupon Widget bug #771. * Fix - save shipping class value #740. * Dev - Added mvx_load_default_vendor_list filter. * Dev - Added mvx_break_loop_offset filter. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_social_network_map filter. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_store_data_defaults filter. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_store_data filter. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_tags_store_info_value filter. * Dev - Added mvx_elementor_tags_store_tab_items_value filter. * Dev - Added mvx_before_vendor_list action. * Dev - Added mvx_before_vendor_list_map_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_vendor_list_map_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_after_vendor_list_map_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_before_vendor_list_vendors_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_vendor_list_vendors_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_after_vendor_list_vendors_section action. * Dev - Added mvx_after_vendor_list action. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.6.0 - 2021-03-09 = * Added - WPML Compatibility #133. * Fix - SQL syntax issue #735. * Fix - Broken date picker issue fixed #720. * Fix - Report overview not showing any data #716. * Fix - The history section not working #714. * Fix - Product tab responsive issue #711. * Fix - Textdomain creation issue by grunt run. * Fix - Refund request translation issue fixed #708. * Fix - Dashboard responsive issue #706. * Fix - Policy display at admin backend issue #704. * Fix - SPMV product unclickable #698. * Fix - Sort by shipping not working #674. * Fix - The vendor getting an email when he replies to his customer review #666. * Fix - Styling Bugs dashboard as well as backend #677. * Fix - Reports Overview issue #688. * Fix - Customer Questions Direct Reply #705. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.18 - 2021-02-12 = * Added - Admin mail for rejecting vendor reapply registration #650. * Added - Compatibility of Woocommerce 5.0.0. * Fix - Woocommerece report showing 2x times the total order #644. * Fix - Parsing Error with PHP 8.0 #645. * Fix - File Upload Error Message #646. * Fix - Clicking on the "return to business" link on stripe account lands to page with 0 #648. * Fix - Nonce checking issue. * Fix - Stripe Library updated. * Dev - Added mvx_send_mail_to_admin_when_vendor_reapply filter.

= 3.5.17 - 2021-01-29 = * Fix - Incorrect product count for Vendors on admin and vendor end #635. * Fix - Display all product variations in the coupon #634. * Fix - Count of purchased products in vendor dashboard report overview is incorrect. #631. * Fix - Weekly report emails are still sent to suspended vendors #629. * Fix - Woocommerece report not showing refund amount when MVX is installed #625. * Fix - Fatal error from the commission in plugin activation time #639.

= 3.5.16 - 2021-01-12 = * Fix - SPVM more offer CSS break #613 * Fix

= 3.5.15 - 2020-12-16 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.6. * Fix - Conflict with MVX advance shipping plugin. * Fix - Translation issue on edit product page. #605 * Fix - Table rate shipping screen loading issue. #598 * Fix - Commission status not updating in banking overview. #586 * Fix - Error display at the time of withdrawing through PayPal.

= 3.5.14 - 2020-11-26 = * Fix - MVX Shipping not working. #592 * Fix

= 3.5.13 - 2020-11-16 = * Fix - Commissions are not displayed at the admin end. #581 * Fix - HTML break on single product page more offers section #580 * Fix - Vendor review mail showing HTML tags. #579

= 3.5.12 - 2020-11-11 = * Fix - Vendor could withdraw commission for pending/draft order #564 * Fix - Vendor store description editor format is not working #566 * Fix - Woocommerce per product shipping compatiblity with vendor shippings. #575 * Fix - Vendor announcement email string support #570 * Fix - Issue on vendor sales in the MVX reports section(admin end) #568 * Fix - Showing html tag on admin new vendor account email and vendor new account email * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.11 - 2020-10-28 = * Fix - Removed add new commission option. #557 * Fix - Broken product details page at admin end. #560 * Fix - Removed not required comment meta box from MVX commission. * Fix - Bug in stripe when click on back button. #545 * Fix - Random shipping classes are being assigned to the product. #544 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.10 - 2020-10-13 = * Enhancement - MVX commissions hide for failed order #521 * Enhancement - Added support for complete gtin list #417 * Fix - Visitor's data save issue in visitor map #528 * Fix - Vendor's Withdrawal page Threshold amount issue #529 * Fix - Announcement month not translating at vendor end #527 * Fix - Admin's Banking Overview data disply issue #532 * Fix - Vendor's Banking Balance data issue #531 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.9 - 2020-09-29 = * Fix - Data sanitize, escape and validate issue. * Fix - Hide Tracking Order When Vendor Shipping Disable #519 * Fix - Commission Total also Reflects when Commission Amount Edited #515 * Fix - Postcode in vendor shipping not displaying properly #505 * Fix - Suborder create issue when update parent from backend #514 * Fix - Suborder also added in woocommerce reports money specd section #507 * Fix - Suborder doesn't copy the coupon from parent order #355 * Fix - Product note is not working #518 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.8 - 2020-09-15 = * Added - Filter in Banking Overriew Section #49 * Added - Added additional hooks for membership * Fix - Email template override issue #493 * Fix - Security issues with nonce value #497 * Fix - Category Restriction issue for coupon validation #494 * Fix - Vendor List category search issue in the second page #457 * Fix

= 3.5.7 - 2020-08-26 = * Added - Keep displaying Vendor's review message to customer #480 * Added - Email when vendor is reviewed #438 * Added - Added additional hooks #478 * Fix -- Security issues with nonce value * Fix -- MVX Vendor's pin code wise shipping #462 * Fix -- Keep display vendor review messages #459 * Fix -- Individual Vendor Announcement trigger #439 * Fix -- Vendor all product bulk action hook fixed #466 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.6 - 2020-08-19 = * Added - Disply Product's weight unit in vendor add product page #456 * Fix -- Bootstrap css isue in console area #470 * Fix -- Admin can assign vendor with the product after WordPress update 5.5 #462 * Fix -- MVX Report per product's search issue #465 * Fix -- Removed extra email send to customer when shipping Note is added #463 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.5 - 2020-08-13 = * Added - Compatibility of WordPress 5.5 added * Added - Hooks to add export button for vendor and product report #453 * Added - New filter added to adjust wp_query #434 * Added - Number of rows can be selected for orders table at vendor end #430 * Enhancement - Vendor Shop page New Widget Added #404 * Fix - Attribute saving issue #436 * Fix - Exclude the "product_note" comment_type from product reviews #429 * Fix - CSV attachment to the monthly and weekly report email. #426 * Fix - Coupon Validation #423 * Fix - Vendor's can now update his/her particular shipping method from back end #442 * Fix - MVX Vendor tab display break issue and Screen Options no longer working #433 * Fix - Re: Error paging vendor list #413 * Fix

= 3.5.4 - 2020-07-24 = * Added - Let customer search vendor as per vendor's shipping zone( vendor list shortcode ) #284 * Added - Let admin set every vendor shiping from backend #373 * Added - Add vendor search product in their shop #327 * Added - Vendor Review widget #378 * Enhancement - Vendor shipping state limitaion #369 * Enhancement - Recaptcha in contact vendor widget #318 * Enhancement - Add Order ID under Vendor payment history #386 * Fix - Exclude sub order data from WooCommerce analytic #334 * Fix - MVX visitor cookie #367 * Fix - Vendor is getting Failed order mail #390 * Fix - New Vendor Account Email #393 * Fix - PHP Warning #403 * Fix - Attribute special character issue #394 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.3 - 2020-07-03 = * Added - Suspended Vendor Notification #357 * Added - Confirm deletion option for vendors #376 * Enhancement - Refund module enhancement #366 * Fix - Multi layer capability issue resolved * Fix - Sub order missing for admin created order from backend #377 * Fix - Product note display under product reviews section #374 * Fix - All order status displays for orders table on dashboard * Fix

= 3.5.2 - 2020-06-16 = * Added - Additional hook in MVX report #357 * Added - Hook to save global verifiy setting #352 * Fix - Manual Refund from vendor not working #351 * Fix - Vendorlist page minify issue. * Fix - Vendor store description image issue for template 2 and 3. * Fix

= 3.5.1 - 2020-05-31 = * Added - Product management flow #294. * Tweak - Backend MVX report functionalities. * Fix - Product category hierarchy scroll issue #328 * Fix - Announcement Email issue #332 * Fix - Hide suborders in Rest API #306 * Fix - Variable product coupon #309 * Fix - Suborder creation via rest api #338 * Fix - Backend report view for multiple admin user #337 * Fix - BuddyPress member avatar issue * Fix - Resolve minor codes fixes for php 7.2+ * Fix - Duplicate downloadable product option in my-account page #264 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.5.0 - 2020-05-19 = * Added - BuddyPress compatibilities. * Added - Announcement email to vendor. * Added - Product Q&As emails for vendor and customer. * Added - Product approval management. * Added - Customer refund request process for vendor orders. * Added - Vendor Review API endpoint. #235 * Added - Backend MVX core reports enhancement. * Tweak - Vendor endpoint with image and banner fields. #234 * Tweak - Vendor reviews based on product reviews. #276 * Fix - Regenerate commission issue. #285 * Fix - Suborder refund sync with parent order * Updated - Language file.

= 3.4.11 - 2020-04-14 = * Fix - Subscription suborders issue. #67 * Fix - Vendor per product shipping issues. #253 * Fix - Shipping tax issue. #254 * Fix - Templates files information header. #257 * Fix - Default permalink settings conflict with vendor add product. #261 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.4.10 - 2020-03-11 = * Added - Generate coupon code supports in vendor dashboard. * Tweak - Query optimization for vendor products. #231 * Fix - Undefine index issue in SPMV product query. #216 * Fix

= 3.4.9 - 2020-02-04 = * Added - WPML supports on vendor product list. #221 * Tweak - Vendor dashboard widget withdrawable balance functionalities on transaction details. * Fix - Vendor dashboard product stats widget product link. #209 * Fix - Backend vendor registration form builder state issue. #210 * Fix - PHP-7.4 conflict syntax. #217 * Fix - Decimal commission value on category wise commission settings in backend. #218 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.4.8 - 2020-01-14 = * Added - Banking overview updated on unpaid commission deletion. #162 * Added - Order note in vendor new order email. #191 * Added - Order notes on regenerate order commission. * Fix - Undefined vendor object on add new vendor in backend. #196 * Fix

= 3.4.7 - 2019-12-24 = * Added - Vendor orders list bulk actions filters. #103 * Added - Vendor email on Add Vendor via backend. #189 * Added - Unpaid deleted commission in banking overview. #162 * Tweak - Vendor orders list filter by statuses. * Fix - Apply vendor via Rest API. #177 * Fix - Responsive issue of vendor transaction details. #174 * Fix - Create sub orders via Rest API order create. #176 * Fix

= 3.4.6 - 2019-11-28 = * Fix - Product category issues. #157,#158 * Fix - SPMV products vendor name. #161 * Fix - Hidden customer info on vendor order email. #159 * Fix - SPMV products add to cart overriden issue. #168 * Fix - Vendor setup wizard user restriction. #169

= 3.4.5 - 2019-11-12 = * Fix - Failed order to suborders statuses sync issue. #146 * Fix - Admin new product email edit product url issue. #149 * Fix - MVX cron call to a member function get_coupons issue. #152 * Fix - Vendor dashboard coupon amount decimal issue. #144 * Fix - Vendor order details customer order notes issue. #137 * Fix - Vendor registration form attachment non required setting issue. #132 * Fix - Backend commission paid transaction issue . #135 * Fix - More products (SPMV) external products link issue. #136 * Dev - Vendor application resubmit hook mvx_before_reapply_vendor_application_save added. #106

= 3.4.4 - 2019-10-15 = * Added - Multiple categories products category wise commission. #111 * Tweak - Vendor access capabilities for different posts. #112 * Tweak - Widget contact vendor redirect url. #124 * Fix - Vendor new order email find & replace issue. #107 * Fix

= 3.4.3 - 2019-09-24 = * Added - Vendor total earned on order details section. #93 * Tweak - Vendor search list scripts. #83 * Tweak - Vendor New Order email trigger. #91 * Fix - 'You are not logged in' message on Product Q&As tab. #81 * Fix - Undefine variable issue. #89 * Fix - WooCommerce registration settings overriden issue. #90 * Fix

= 3.4.2 - 2019-09-09 = * Added - Sold by vendor support in WooCommerce Blocks. #61 * Tweak - Vendor dashboard order list filter by statuses. #71 * Tweak - Admin commission list filter by statuses. #74 * Fix - Remove commission order item meta from shipping email. #60 * Fix - Vendor dashboard Withdrawal issue. * Fix - Parent order status issue. #62 * Fix - Vendor dashboard order details product link. #70 * Fix - Vendor dashboard Banking overview. #68 * Fix - Vendor message to buyer display depending on filter. #78 * Updated - Language file.

= 3.4.1 - 2019-08-06 = * Tweak - Disabled order migration emails. * Tweak - Restrict suborders email for order on-hold and processing. * Fix - Admin woocommerce report issue. * Fix - Stock reduce issue. * Fix - Vencor commission multiple taxes issue. * Updated - Stripe library.

= 3.4.0 - 2019-07-24 = * Added - MVX Split order. * Added - MVX Vendor wise banking overview ( ledger ). * Added - MVX Vendor wise store setup wizard. * Enhancement - Vendor order management section. * Enhancement

= 3.3.7 - 2019-06-19 = * Added - MVX backend settings tools for cleanup data. * Added - Vendor report abuse email with WC_Mail template. * Fix - SPMV multilingual '(Copy)' issue. * Fix - SPMV newly created product deletion hide others products. * Fix - Product types option settings override. * Fix - Backend MVX > Vendors > Add Vendor with existing user details error issue. * Fix - Admin add new product email edit product link. * Fix - MVX core function warning max() issue. * Fix - Product category filter join() issue. * Fix - Backend payment settings overriden issue via addons. * Fix - Vendor registration wrong password submit disable issue. * Tweak - Vendor top rated products widget show. * Tweak - Vendor report abuse from. * Dev - Disable mvx_is_disable_store_visitors_stats filter added. * Dev - Capability for product is_mvx_vendor_edit_non_published_product filter added. * Updated - Stripe library. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.3.6 - 2019-05-14 = * Fix - woocommerce_term_meta issue fixed. * Fix - Vendor No allowed product types issue fixed. * Fix - Product types cap admin restriction issue fixed. * Tweak - Country dropdown dependancy. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.3.5 - 2019-04-22 = * Added - WC 3.6+ compatibility added. * Tweak

= 3.3.4 - 2019-03-26 = * Added - Product custom taxonomy supports. * Added - Some MVX email object supports. * Tweak - Default product category hierarchy now respect Advance marketplace product listing settings. * Fix - Vendor product category widget member function issue. * Fix - Sold by vendor anchor link issue. * Fix - Vendor dashboard Announcement action toggle issue.

= 3.3.3 - 2019-03-05 = * Added - Low stock threshold settings added in product inventory settings. * Tweak - New product email product edit link changed from backend to frontend. * Fix - Language issue on MVX date. * Fix - MVX core product types supported issue.

= 3.3.2 - 2019-02-26 = * Added - Contact vendor email with WC_Mail template. * Fix - Core mvx_get_shipping_zone function issue fixed. * Fix - Respect backend settings for vendor registration issue. * Fix

= 3.3.1 - 2019-01-22 = * Added - Advance marketplace product listing settings added for admin. * Added - GTIN settings added for admin. * Added - Autocomplete added on vendor list search by location. * Added - Suspended vendor restriction added on vendor widget list. * Added - Vendorwise content restriction added on wp_editor quick link option. * UI - Rtl support added for product category classify section. * UI - Knowledgebase html content added. * Tweak - Todo list pending vendor approval url change from wp users to MVX > Vendors. * Fix - SPMV settings checking on product search for add product. * Fix - Shipping module settings on profile progress bar. * Dev - Redirect url mvx_vendor_save_product_redirect_url filter added. * Dev - Redirect url mvx_widget_vendor_list_query_args filter added. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.3.0 - 2019-01-10 = * Added - Marketplace product addition by categories, product GTIN or name. * UI - New vendor add product section. * UI - New vendor add coupon section. * Tweak - MVX payments gateways process changed curl request. * Fix - Vendor shipping methods description. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.2.2 - 2018-12-11 = * Added - Vendor wise shipping module. * Added

= 3.2.1 - 2018-11-16 = * Added - Media delete capabilities for vendor. * Fix - Single product multiple vendor's products showing issues for vendor non-published capability. * Fix - Backend MVX > Vendors > Add new link issue.

= 3.2.0 - 2018-11-14 = * Added - Product specific GTIN supports for backend. * Added - Vendor store_name in Rest API product objects. * Added - Show ingle product multiple vendor ( SPMV ) products based on MVX settings > Genenal. * Tweak - Single product multiple vendor concept. * UI - Vendor store logo display UI. * Dev - MVX Rest API before_mvx_rest_prepare_product_object_data filter added. * Dev - MVX Rest API mvx_rest_prepare_vendor_object_args filter added. * Updated

= 3.1.7 - 2018-10-30 = * Added - Vendor wise commission field added on MVX > vendors. * Added - Allow editing of draft products, even edit_publish_product cap is disabled. * Fix - pre_get_posts filter issue. * Fix - Stripe load checking. * Fix - Vendor order details order exists issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.6 - 2018-10-13 = * Added - Backend vendor wise commission list filter. * Added - Vendor dashboard product list bulk action. * Added - Vendor dashboard product list filter by product types. * Added - Country-state dropdown on vendor registration page. * Added - Skip withdrawal request for vendor-end shipping and COD order. * UI - Payment gateways credentials view. * Fix - Vendor list php notice issue. * Fix - Vendor list map hooks issue. * Fix - Widget product category term duplication issue. * Fix - MVX email parameter issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.5 - 2018-09-24 = * Added - Store locators map on vendor list page. * Added - Pagination on vendor list page. * Added - Net earning column on backend MVX > Commission. * Added - Vendor enable shipping settings ( MVX > General ). * Added - Admin can change vendor store title ( MVX > Vendors ). * UI - Vendor List page. * Tweak - Vendor country-state with woocommerce country-state in store settings. * Fix - Product duplicate submit issue. * Fix - Vendor product category hierarchical issue. * Fix - Suspended vendor's product view. * Fix - Media list view issue. * Fix - backend undefine pages_array issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.4 - 2018-08-28 = * Fix - WP backend commission amout issue on mark as paid. * Fix - Vendor dashboard external URL styling. * Tweak - Vendor profile change password. * Tweak - Vendor shop address on store page. * Tweak - Vendor Announcement notification count. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.3 - 2018-08-16 = * Added - Media crop features for store banner and logo. * Tweak - MVX extension page UI. * Fix - Vendor order list filters responsive. * Fix - Product ownership changed on checkout for product manage stock enabled. * Fix - Multiple checkboxes required issue on vendor registration form. * Fix - WP backend user list pending vendor view action. * Fix - Block vendor products on taxonomy page. * Fix - mvx_get_the_terms null issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.2 - 2018-07-17 = * Added - Gateway charges type Fixed + Percentage. * UI - Vendor banner screen responsive. * UI - Dashboard table responsive. * Fix - Vendor registered date. * Fix - MVX frontend title_input field. * Fix - Dashboard coupon list expiry date issue. * Fix - Google re-captcha on vendor registration form data. * Fix - Permalink structure on mvx ajax. * Fix - Parameter issue on mvx_get_all_order_of_user function. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.1.1 - 2018-07-05 = * Fix - Suspended vendor backend restriction. * Fix - Vendor products shortcode issue. * Fix - Vendor add order note time issue. * Fix - Commission and transaction Title current time. * Fix - Admin new vendor account vendor profile link.

= 3.1.0 - 2018-07-03 = * Added: - Introduced MVX Rest API. * Added: - Vendors management section for admin. * Added: - Non-vendor ( Pending, Rejected and Suspended vendor ) limited dashboard access. * Added: - New vendor top rated product widget. * Added: - MVX Stripe payment gateway support. * Feature - Vendor can managed their profile from their dashboard. * Feature - Rejected vendor can re-apply from their dashboard. * Fix - Vendor products category widget. * Fix - Vendor order CSV product quantity. * Fix - Vendor no shipping issue at checkout. * Fix - Vendor registration form checkbox required field validation. * Tweak: - Default upload_input field save process changed to id instead of url. * Tweak: - Default datepicker format to (Y-m-d). * Tweak: - Replace deprecated vendor application section with Vendors management ( MVX > Vendors ). * Dev - Moved 'mvx_vendor_fields' post meta to user meta. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.7 - 2018-06-12 = * Added: - Vendor dashboard > Shop description wp_editor support. * Added: - Shipping method on vendor new order email. * Added: - Product link inside order details. * Tweak: - Vendor dashboard > Vendor shipping method on order details. * Tweak: - Shipping hide on local pick up. * Fix - Child products ownership issue on parent product deletion ( Single product multiple vendor ). * Fix - Free withdrawal limit. * Fix - Vendor new product email on admin assign product. * Fix - Edit review issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.6 - 2018-05-08 = * Added: - Vendor dashboard > Product tags autocomplete support. * Added: - Vendor dashboard > Orders listing action icons on hover title. * Tweak: - Replace use of deprecated woocommerce_params with respective mvx script data. * Tweak: - Replace vendor display_name with store name in sold by {vendor}. * Fix - wp-admin > Add product page SKU field was not showing. * Fix - Vendor dashboard > Vendor report price decimals issue. * Fix - Single product page > Vendor refund policy issue. #29 * Dev - Add new $MVX->localize_script() method. * Dev - Add filter 'mvx_get_script_data'. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.5 - 2018-04-09 = * Enhancement: - Single order details section. * Tweak: - Commission calculation logic. * Fix - Duplicate withdrawal request. * Fix - Email issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.4 - 2018-03-21 = * Enhancement: - Product questions and answers section. * Enhancement: - Vendor show all Q&As section. * Fix - Email settings issue. * Fix - Frontend tinymce issue. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.3 - 2018-03-08 = * Fix - Vendor assign from backend. * Fix - Commission export issue. * Tweak - Single product multiple vendor logic. * Tweak - Bootstrap JS load in vendor dashboard. * Updated - Language file.

= 3.0.2 - 2018-02-27 = * New: Admin can regenerate order commission from order page. * Fix: Vendor Timezone issue. * Fix: Vendor list widget image resize issue. * Updated: Language file.

= 3.0.1 - 2018-02-20 = * New: All new vendor dashboard with premade widgets of actionable store insights. * New: Vendor store location widget. * New: MVX icon font introduced for vendor frontend. * New: Product based Questions & Answers feature. * New: Admin can send weekly monthly sales report to vendor via email. * New: Product category wise commission introduced. * New: Commission transaction status logged as commission note. * New: Admin now gets an approve/reject vendor link in the vender registration email. * New: Clean slate uninstallation! Now removed MVX's all database tables and options, no leftovers, if 'MVX_REMOVE_ALL_DATA' set true. * New: WooCommerce subscription support added. * New: Payment gateway 'Fixed Amount' charges added. * UI: Easy to use admin settings panel. * UI: WordPress like color scheme for vendor frontend. * Enhancement: Vendors can now add simple products from frontend. * Enhancement: Vendors can now add/manage coupons from frontend. * Enhancement: WP Editor supports added in vendor frontend. * Enhancement: Single product multiple vendor support added in vendor frontend. * Enhancement: Vendor registration form now supports various store settings fields. * Tweak: MVX images store process change to id instead of url. * Fixed: Product duplication title. * Fixed: Vendor assign on products bulk edit. * Fixed: Shortcode 'mvx_products'. * Updated: Language file.

= 2.7.8 = * Added: Google Map API key to store location widget * Added: Restriction to update product title in single product multiple vendor. * Added: Asynchronous Mode in Paypal Payout settings. * Fix: Single product multiple vendor products issues.

= 2.7.7 = * Feature: Onboarding/setup wizard to handle basic marketplace settings and installation * Feature: Color Scheme to change vendor dashboard apperance. * Feature: 3 different vendor shop template to choose from. * Feature: Vendor specific product category widget added in vendor store. * Fix: Store logo and banner image upload from a url.

= 2.7.6 = * Added: Hide duplicate product in shop page if single product multiple vendor enable. * Updated: User roles and capability. * Updated: Language files. * Fixed: Ajax Error. * Fixed: CSS issue. * Removed: Restriction of flat rate shipping. * Dev: Template update taxonomy-dc_vendor_shop.php, single-product/multiple_vendors_products.php.

= 2.7.5 = * Added: Search vendor field in MVX Product Vendors List Widget. * Added: Shipping method title after vendor shipping. * Added: Provision to delete vendor application form. * Added: Payment gateway charge. * Updated: Language files. * Fixed: Remove pending shipping from Vendor dashboard if admin has shipping capability. * Removed: WP dashboard Widget from vendor dashboard (At a Glance, Quick Draft, Activity, WordPress Events and News). * Dev: Template Update - shortcode/vendor_lists.php.

= 2.7.4 = * Added: Filter mvx_vendor_taxonomy_name to change breadcrumbs default MVX vendor text. * Updated: Language files. * Fixed: Vendor email template. * Fixed: Wordpress default Recent Comments widgets number of comment to display. * Fixed: CSS and JS issue.

= 2.7.3 = * Added: Mark commission as paid and Mark as Reverse option in single commission page. * Updated: Vendor dashboard css and js file. * Updated: Commission export csv. * Fixed: Vendor profile image display in mobile view. * Fixed: Navigation display in vendor dashboard page (shop and Announcements link). * Modify: Commission payment process. * Removed: Bulk action (Edit, Export Unpaid Commissions (CSV), Mark all commissions as paid, Mark selected commissions as unpaid, Mark selected commissions as paid, Mark selected commissions as reverse) from commission post type added (Mark paid, Export) option. * Removed: Toggle commission status from single commission page. * Dev: New transaction status mvx_canceled * Dev: Template Update - vendor-dashboard/vendor-transaction_detail.php, vendor-dashboard/vendor-withdrawal/vendor-withdrawal-request.php, vendor-dashboard/vendor-transaction/vendor-transaction-items.php

= 2.7.2 = * Added: Support for MVX advanced shipping plugin. * Added: Support for Loco Translate plugin. * Added: POT file in language folder * Updated: Plugin text domain from mvx to dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor * Fixed: Paypal payout response. * Updated: Language files.

= 2.7.1 = * Fixed: Vendor dashboard product tab issue * Fixed: Vendor submit product submit coupon capability * Fixed: Shop title error * Fixed: Commission display for variable product

= 2.7.0 = * Added: Shipping cost split among order associated vendors. * Added: Admin setting to hide 'Vendor' tab from the product page. * Added: Locking period before the commission can be disbursed. * Added: Vendor wise shipping cost to MVX report. * Updated: Once paid Admin can no longer edit commissions. * Updated: 'University' renamed to 'Knowledgebase'. * Fixed: Problem accessing vendor dashboard area for PHP 5.4. * Fixed: Vendor Shop Title Update. * Fixed: Calculation bug in MVX report (admin and vendor). * Fixed: Bulk action to mark orders as shipped (vendor). * Fixed: Vendors' shipping class cost setting. * Fixed: CSS fix in vendor dashboard. * Fixed: Validation added for 'Report abuse' popup. * Fixed: Vendor review and rating bug.

= 2.6.5 = * Fixed: Vendor capabilities * Fixed: Vendor dashboard CSS * Fixed: Shipping tax calculation * Fixed: Vendor stats / reports * Updated: Language file

= 2.6.4 = * Fixed: Vendor policies settings. * Fixed: Shipping calculation.

= 2.6.3 = * Fixed: Vendor capabilities

= 2.6.2 = * Fixed: Vendor dashboard navigation menu. * Added: Template override support via third perty addons.

= 2.6.1 = * Fixed: Vendor dashboard broken page link. * Fixed: Vendor capabilities

= 2.6.0 = * Added: Endpoint based vendor dashboard page * Added: WooCommerce 3.0 support * Added: PHP7 support * Updated: Plugin file structure * Updated: MVX menu navigation * Updated: Language file

= 2.5.4 = * Fixed: Dequeue Google Recaptcha js * Fixed: Vendor registration migration error * Fixed: Widget display in vendor order page * Fixed: Scheduled payment date in vendor Withdrawal page

= 2.5.3 = * Fixed: Vendor Withdrawal tab display * Updated: Language file * Added: Filters in admin settings pages * Fixed: Typos * Fixed: Discount amount calculation in vendor dashboard page

= 2.5.2 = * Added: Restrict backend access from vendor * Added: Shortcode for display vendor recent products * Added: Extension page in setting panel * Added: Filter for display admin bar in frontend * Fixed: Email notification logic after apply for vendor

= 2.5.1 = * Fixed: Vendor products shortcode * Added: Filter in more vendor tab * Updated: Language file

= 2.5.0 = * Fixed: Plugin deactivation hook

= 2.4.9 = * Added: Support Wordpress 4.7 * Fixed: CSS issue in Dashboard * Fixed: Email Notification on new vendor registration

= 2.4.8 = * Added: Filters & hook. * Fixed: Vendor dashboard menu.

= 2.4.7 = * Fixed: Shipping tracking url and tracking id display in email template * Added: More hook & filters * Fixed: Vendor commission payment via paypal masspay

= 2.4.6 = * Fixed: Payment method dropdown in backend Issue#9. * Fixed: Vendor registration form error.

= 2.4.5 = * Fixed: Database error in product name Issue#4. * Fixed: User role capabilities Issue#5. * Fixed: MVX speed optimization Issue#7.\ * Fixed: Vendor registration javascript error fixed.

= 2.4.4 = * Added: Vendor Registration * Removed: Apply Become a vendor checkbox from my-account page. * Fixed: Vendor description formatting * Fixed: WPML support

= 2.4.3 = * Removed: fancyBox - jQuery Plugin. * Removed: jquery-2.1.3.js.

= 2.4.2 = * Added: Shipment tracking.

= 2.4.1 = * Added: Add PayPal Payout Payment Gateway. * Added: Chinese translations. * Modified: Russian translations updated.

= 2.4.0 = * Added: Support WooCommerce 2.6. * Added: Vendor can manage zone wise shipping methods.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 4.0.0 = 4.0.0+ is a major update. Make a full site backup and review latest release before upgrading your marketplace to avoid any undesirable situations.