multiversx / mx-chain-keys-monitor-go

MultiversX keys monitor tool written in Go
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MultiversX keys monitor

This tool allows the monitoring of BLS keys that can participate into the consensus, regardless of the shard they are currently operating in. This is done by continuously polling the /validator/statistics API endpoint route. It can monitor one or more networks so one instance of this tool is enough for all keys used on mainnet/testnet or devnet networks. The monitored BLS keys will be defined as lists. Also, there is the possibility to define just an owner address that staked the BLS keys and the application will automatically fetch the registered BLS keys for that identity.

Feature list


You can choose to run this tool either in a Docker on in a systemd service.

Initial setup (valid for all types of installation)

Although it's possible, it is not recommended to run the application as root. For that reason, a new user is required to be created. For example, the following script creates a new user called ubuntu. This script can be run as root.

# host update/upgrade
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt autoremove

adduser ubuntu
# set a long password
usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
echo 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config

# add this line:
# save & exit

sudo su ubuntu
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/myOverrides
# add this line:
# save & exit

Variant A: how to set up using Docker

You need to have Docker installed on your machine.

Copy the template configs from the example directory:

git clone
cd mx-chain-keys-monitor-go
cp ./cmd/monitor/config/example/* ./cmd/monitor/config

Customize your config files from the ./cmd/monitor/config directory:

Fetch the image & start it, using the docker-compose.yml file:

sudo docker compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d mx-chain-keys-monitor-go

You're ready 🚀

Variant B: how to set up using regular bash scripts (using service file)

1. Repo clone & scripts init

git clone
cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
# the following init call will create ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts/config/local.cfg file
# and will copy the configs from ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/cmd/monitor/config/example to ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/cmd/monitor/config
# to avoid github pull problems
./ init
cd config
# edit the local.cfg file for the scripts setup
nano local.cfg

2. local.cfg configuration

The generated local.cfg file contains the following lines:

set -e


#Allow user to override the current version of the monitor

The CUSTOM_HOME and CUSTOM_USER will need to be changed if the current user is not ubuntu. To easily figure out the current user, the bash command whoami can be used.

It is strongly recommended to use a GitHub access token because the scripts consume the GitHub APIs and throttling might occur without the access token.

The MONITOR_EXTRA_FLAGS can contain extra flags to be called whenever the application is started. The complete list of the cli command can be found here

The OVERRIDE_VER can be used during testing to manually specify an override tag/branch that will be used when building the application. If left empty, the upgrade process will automatically fetch and use the latest release.

3. Install

After the local.cfg configuration step, the scripts can now install the application.

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ install

4. Application config

After the application has been installed, it is now time to configure it. For this, you should edit the config.toml and credentials.toml files and add files containing lists of BLS keys or addresses in the ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/cmd/monitor/config directory.

The scripts init step already created some initial .toml and .list files to be ready to be used directly.

Configuring the config.toml file:

This file contains the general application configuration file.

    ApplicationName = "Keys monitoring app"
    # the application can send messages about the internal status at regular intervals
        Enabled = true
        DayOfWeek = "every day" # can also be "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" and "Sunday"
        Hour = 12 # valid interval 0-23
        Minute = 0 # valid interval 0-59
        PollingIntervalInSec = 30
        LogFileLifeSpanInMB = 1024 # 1GB
        LogFileLifeSpanInSec = 86400 # 1 day
        Enabled = true
        NumNotificationsForEachFaultyKey = 3
        SnoozeTimeInSec = 28800 # 8 hours

    NumRetries = 3
    SecondsBetweenRetries = 10

    # Uses Pushover service that can notify Desktop, Android or iOS devices. Requires a valid subscription.
    # If you enable this notifier, remember to specify the credentials in credentials.toml file
        Enabled = false
        URL = ""

    # SMTP (email) based notification
    # If you enable this notifier, remember to specify the credentials in credentials.toml file
    # If you are using gmail server, please make sure you activate the IMAP server and use App passwords instead of the account's password
        Enabled = false
        To = ""
        SmtpPort = 587
        SmtpHost = ""

    # Uses Telegram service that can notify Desktop, Android or iOS devices. Requires a running bot and the chat ID for
    # the user that will be notified.
    # If you enable this notifier, remember to specify the credentials in credentials.toml file
        Enabled = false
        URL = ""

    AlarmDeltaRatingDrop = 1.0 # maximum Rating-TempRating value that will trigger an alarm, for the public testnet might use a higher value (2 or 3)
    Name = "network 1"
    ApiURL = "API URL 1"
    ExplorerURL = ""
    PollingIntervalInSeconds = 300  # 5 minutes
    ListFile = "./config/network1.list"

5. Notifiers test

Before the application start, it is a good practice to test the configured notifiers

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ test_notifiers

If all enabled notifiers are configured correctly, no error messages should appear on the screen.

Important: This command won't start the monitoring process!

6. Application start

After editing the required config files, the application can be started.

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ start

When the application starts, it automatically emits a notification message. This is valid also for the stop operation issued by the ./ stop command.

7. Backup and upgrade

It is a good practice to save the .toml, .list and the local.cfg files somewhere else just in case the application is cleaned up accidentally. The upgrade call for the monitor app is done through this command:

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ upgrade

8. Uninstalling

The application can be removed by executing the following script:

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ cleanup


If the application fails to start (maybe there is a bad config in the .toml files), the following command can be issued:

sudo journalctl -f -u mx-chain-keys-monitor.service

Also, if the application misbehaves, the logs can be retrieved by using this command:

cd ~/mx-chain-keys-monitor-go/scripts
./ get_logs

If the application crashes, and you have followed the installation via Docker, the command to retrieve the logs is as follows:

sudo docker logs -f mx-chain-keys-monitor-go