multiversx / mx-chain-observing-squad

Docker images and scripts for setting up an MultiversX Observing Squad
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Docker images and scripts for setting up a MultiversX Observing Squad.

How to build the images

Skip this if you prefer to pull from docker hub instead.

cd mainnet
docker image build . -t multiversx/chain-observer:v1.7.13.0-patch2 -f ./chain-observer
docker image build . -t multiversx/chain-squad-proxy:v1.1.49 -f ./chain-proxy
cd utils
docker image build . -t multiversx/chain-keygenerator:latest -f ./chain-keygenerator

How to pull the images from Docker Hub

docker pull multiversx/chain-observer:v1.7.13.0-patch2
docker pull multiversx/chain-squad-proxy:v1.1.49
docker pull multiversx/chain-keygenerator:latest

How to setup the Docker-based Observing Squad

Generate PEM files

First, generate 4 PEM files, one for each Observer by running the keygenerator 4 times:

export KEYS_FOLDER=~/keys
docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=${KEYS_FOLDER},destination=/keys --workdir /keys multiversx/chain-keygenerator:latest

After running the command 4 times, rename the resulted files to:

Note: the files will be owned by the root user. In order to chown them, do as follows:

sudo chown $(whoami) *

Prepare folder structure

In a folder of your choice (e.g. MyObservingSquad), create the following structure, and copy the observer PEM files in the node-n/config subfolders:

├── node-0
│   ├── config
│   │   └── observerKey_0.pem
│   ├── db
│   │   └──
│   └── logs
├── node-1
│   ├── config
│   │   └── observerKey_1.pem
│   ├── db
│   └── logs
├── node-2
│   ├── config
│   │   └── observerKey_2.pem
│   ├── db
│   └── logs
├── node-metachain
│   ├── config
│   │   └── observerKey_metachain.pem
│   ├── db
│   └── logs
└── proxy
    └── config

Create a docker network

docker network create --subnet= multiversx-squad

Clone repository

Clone this repository in order to get a copy of the files and, which are needed below.

git clone && cd mx-chain-observing-squad

Start Observers 0, 1, 2, Metachain

Start Observer of Shard 0:

export SHARD=0
export DISPLAY_NAME="MyObservingSquad-0"
export OBSERVER_DIR=~/MyObservingSquad/node-0
export P2P_PORT=10000
export IP=

Start Observer of Shard 1:

export SHARD=1
export DISPLAY_NAME="MyObservingSquad-1"
export OBSERVER_DIR=~/MyObservingSquad/node-1
export P2P_PORT=10001
export IP=

Start Observer of Shard 2:

export SHARD=2
export DISPLAY_NAME="MyObservingSquad-2"
export OBSERVER_DIR=~/MyObservingSquad/node-2
export P2P_PORT=10002
export IP=

Start Observer of Metachain:

export SHARD=metachain
export DISPLAY_NAME="MyObservingSquad-metachain"
export OBSERVER_DIR=~/MyObservingSquad/node-metachain
export P2P_PORT=10003
export IP=

Start Proxy

export IP=

How to upgrade the Docker-based Observing Squad

  1. Pull the new images:
    docker pull multiversx/chain-observer:v1.7.13.0-patch2
    docker pull multiversx/chain-squad-proxy:v1.1.49
  2. Get the latest version of this repository.
    cd mx-chain-observing-squad
    git pull origin
  3. Stop the 5 containers (Proxy and Observers).
  4. Optionally, remove the old Docker images (not needed anymore).
  5. Remove the existing Docker network:
    docker network rm multiversx-squad
  6. Create a Docker network
  7. Start Observers 0, 1, 2, Metachain. Make sure you set OBSERVER_DIR environment variables accordingly, in advance, with respect to your current setup.
  8. Start Proxy.
  9. Verify the running containers.
  10. Wait until the nodes are synchronized with the Netwtork. Then verify the running containers again.

Verify the running containers

Do a smoke test by running some queries against the MultiversX Proxy.

curl ${PROXY}/network/config | jq
curl ${PROXY}/network/status/0 | jq
curl ${PROXY}/network/status/1 | jq
curl ${PROXY}/network/status/2 | jq
curl ${PROXY}/network/status/4294967295 | jq

Extra smoke test - fetch a hyperblock:

SMOKE_TEST_HYPERBLOCK_NONCE=$(curl | jq '.data["status"]["erd_highest_final_nonce"]')

Extra smoke test - fetch a transaction, and inspect its status and hyperblockNonce fields (which must be set):

curl ${PROXY}/transaction/${TRANSACTION_HASH} | jq
curl ${PROXY}/transaction/${TRANSACTION_HASH} | jq '.data["transaction"]["status"]'
curl ${PROXY}/transaction/${TRANSACTION_HASH} | jq '.data["transaction"]["hyperblockNonce"]'

Check versions of running Nodes (containers)

curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_app_version"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_app_version"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_app_version"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_app_version"]'

Check public keys of Observers

curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_public_key_block_sign"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_public_key_block_sign"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_public_key_block_sign"]'
curl | jq '.data["metrics"]["erd_public_key_block_sign"]'