multiversx / mx-docs

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MultiversX docs

The repository contains the documentation for the MultiversX Network protocol.


The documentation is built over a custom docusaurus solution and relies on Markdown files. This repository also has GitHub actions that will trigger the real-time updating of the official documentation website by merging into the master branch.

How to use locally

In order to ensure that the newly added content is correctly aligned and every Markdown feature is working as intended, one can run the project on a local machine.



Live reloading is supported, so you can view the changes in real time by saving the file and going back to the browser.



Once a proposal to update the documentation is submitted, it will be subject to an internal review process for merging into the core repository.


Anyone can contribute to the docs. Any help is appreciated. Here are some ways in which you can contribute:


Each documentation page should include a Edit this page link that will redirect the user to the corresponding GitHub edit page.

Alternatively, contributions can be made manually by following the steps below:

A web version of the Markdown examples is available here.

Opening a pull request

Once approved, the pull request will be merged into the development branch. From time to time (and depending on the emergency of the changes) we will merge the development branch into master branch.

Thank you!