multiversx / mx-sdk-specs

Specifications for mx-sdk-* (js, py, go etc.).
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Specifications for mx-sdk libraries

This repository contains specifications for the mx-sdk-* libraries. The specifications are written in a language-agnostic manner, and are meant to be implemented in multiple languages (e.g. Go, TypeScript, Python, Rust, etc.).


Below, we add specific details for some of the most important packages and sub-components.

Transactions Factories

These components are located in core/transactions-factories and are responsible with creating transactions for specific use cases. They are designed as multi-factory classes, having methods that return a Transaction object constructed by following specific recipes (with respect to the Protocol).

The methods are named in correspondence with the use cases they implement, e.g. create_transaction_for_native_transfer() or create_transaction_for_new_delegation_contract(). They return a Transaction (data transfer object), where sender, receiver, value, data and gasLimit are properly set (upon eventual computation, where applicable).

Optionally, the implementing library can choose to return an object that isn't a complete representation of the Transaction, if desired. In this case, the library must name the incomplete representation DraftTransaction, and also must provide a direct conversion facility from DraftTransaction to Transaction - for example, a named constructor. See transaction.

Transactions Controllers

The transaction controllers are components built upon the lower-level transaction factories and transaction outcome parsers. They are able to create signed transactions and parse the outcome of these transactions. The controllers are specialized for a "family" of transactions (e.g. transfer transactions, delegation transactions, smart contract transactions), just like the factories and the outcome parsers.

One controller is backed by one transaction factory and one outcome parser (paired).



Generally speaking, it's recommended to receive input parameters as abstractions (interfaces) in the public API of the SDKs. This leads to an improved decoupling, and allows for easier type substitution (e.g. easier mocking, testing).

Generally speaking, it's recommended to return concrete types in the public API of the SDKs. The client code is responsible with decoupling from unnecessary data and behaviour of returned objects (e.g. by using interfaces, on their side). The only notable exception to this is when working with factories (abstract or method factories) that should have the function output an interface type. For example, have a look over (User|Validator)WalletProvider.generate_keypair() - this method returns abstract types (interfaces).




In the specs, object is used as a placeholder for any type of object. In the implementing libraries, this would be replaced with the most appropriate type. For example: