municipal-budget-execution / data-paper

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Replication package


The code in this replication package constructs the analysis files from data provided by State Audit Courts (TCEs). Two master files execute all programs, one for Python scripts and the other for R scripts.


Our data is generated from State Audit Courts (TCEs in portuguese) with standardization efforts. Currently, we collect data from 7 Brazilian states based in disponibility and quality.

State Source

We find budget execution and procurement data for all States in these links, less São Paulo State that provides procurement data just from 2018 to current day and not is included in our database

Data treatment

Each State makes the data available in a different way. Our work consists of creating a data architecture so that the variables have the same name and format. Not all States provide the same information, so there may be missing observations. Example:

ano exercicio_orcamento num_anoexercicio dt_Ano ANOREFERENCIA nrAnoEmpenho ano_operacao ano_exercicio
mes data_referencia_empenho num_mesexercicio nrMesProcessamento mes_referencia
data data_emissao_empenho dat_empenho dt_empenho DATA dtEmpenho dt_empenho dt_emissao_despesa
id_municipio codigo_municipio cod_municipio cdIBGE ds_municipio
orgao codigo_orgao seq_orgao ID_UNIDADE_GESTORA cdOrgao; nmOrgao cd_orgao ds_orgao
id_unidade_gestora codigo_unidade cod_unidade cd_ugestora UNIDADEORCAMENTARIA cdUnidade; nmUnidade cd_orgao_orcamentario

Furthermore, we created the id_bd, a unique identifier that allows a 1:1 match between tables. The creation of the id_bd guarantees the uniqueness of the information such as a primary key, however, in the absence of sufficient information, the id_bd assumes the value missing. The creation of the variable is nothing more than the joining of information from the table itself, such as id_municipio, entity, commitment number and year. In this replication package, we provide some of queries examples that use this join.

We follow the methodology of Base dos Dados (Dahis et al., 2022) in harmonization schema and data lake storage. Base dos Dados is a non-profit organization with the mission to universalize access to high-quality data. They provide a platform in Google Cloud with more than 100 treated tables. Between the benefits, we can cross our data with population, GDP, companies, public treasure dataset, etc.

For access database in BigQuery, you can follow this steps to create a personal project and create your queries. The most simple query is

SELECT * FROM `basedosdados.world_wb_mides.empenho` LIMIT 100

The result is the 100 first observations of commitment table. But the scripts here provided differents queries that can be reproduced just changing the project_id_bq.


Runtime Requirements

Approximate time needed to reproduce the analyses on a standard 2023 machine: 8 minutes

List of tables and programs

The provided code reproduces:

Figures Label File
1 Figure 1: Coverage of procurement and budget execution data Manually Created
2 Figure 2: Example of procurement and budget execution process Manually Created
3 Figure 3: Validation with SICONFI data - commitment validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
4 Figure 4: Validation with SICONFI data - verification validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
5 Figure 5: Validation with SICONFI data - payment validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
6 Figure 6: Distribution of share of local suppliers across different states home_bias_firms_characteristics.ipynb
7 Figure 7: Distribution of share of local suppliers, by type of purchase home_bias_firms_characteristics.ipynb
8 Figure 8: Distribution of share of local suppliers, by population size home_bias_firms_characteristics.ipynb
9 Figure 9: Distribution of payment delays at municipality-year level fig_and_reg_delay_payment.R
10 Figure 10: Weighted average payment delay (days) delay_payment_maps.ipynb
11 Figure 11: Scatter plot - Average payment delay vs. GDP per capita fig_reg_delay_payment.R
A1 Figure A1: Validation with SICONFI data: commitment phase, by function validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
A2 Figure A2: Validation with SICONFI data: verification phase, by function validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
A3 Figure A3: Validation with SICONFI data: payment phase, by function validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
A4 Figure A4: Validation with SICONFI data across years - payment validation_siconfi_execution.ipynb
A5 Figure A5: Share of payments paid over 30 days (%) delay_payment_maps.ipynb
A6 Figure A6: Distribution of share of late payments (over 30 days) fig_and_reg_delay_payment.R
A7 Figure A7: Histogram of share of non-competitive tenders example_paper.R
B1 Figure B1: Missing tender identifiers null_ids.ipynb
B2 Figure B2: Missing commitment identifiers null_ids.ipynb
B3 Figure B3: Missing verification identifiers null_ids.ipynb
B4 Figure B4: Missing payment identifiers null_ids.ipynb
B5 Figure B5: Missing municipalities: procurement missing_municipalities.ipynb
B6 Figure B6: Missing municipalities: budget execution missing_municipalities.ipynb
B7 Figure B7: Number of municipalities: commitment total_municipalities.ipynb
B8 Figure B8: Number of municipalities: verification total_municipalities.ipynb
B9 Figure B9: Number of municipalities: payment total_municipalities.ipynb
Tables Label File
1 Table 1: Procurement and budget execution coverage Manually Created
2 Table 2: Descriptive statistics - public procurement descriptive_statistics_procurement.ipynb
3 Table 3: Descriptive statistics - budget execution descriptive_statistics_execution.ipynb
4 Table 4: Correlates of deviations fig_and_reg_delay_payment.R
5 Table 5: Correlates of payment delays fig_and_reg_delay_payment.R
A1 Table A1: Procurement and budget execution sources Manually Created
A2 Table A2: Procurement methods Manually Created
B1 Table B1: Limitations in the budget execution data Manually Created
B2 Table B2: Limitations in the procurement data Manually Created


The treatment data is available in Data Basis repository queries-basedosdados

Currently, PR is the only state that allows us to connect dataframes between relacionamentos table. Inclusive, we provide an example in our working paper. In other States we are studying the better way to include this information in table, if possible.

Specifically, Pernambuco state doesn't have the id_bd created in treatment code. This is because the original data doesn't provide a unique identification that allows us to make this connection. Besides, we don't have all variables necessary to create the id_bd in all dataframes (commitment, verification and payment).

We working in parallel to add new data sources, such as TCE from Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District. And improve the data including information about remains to be paid and the source of money.