muparkkra / mup

Mup music publication program
9 stars 2 forks source link

-- text --


Mup is music publication program. It takes a text file as input and generates PostScript or MIDI output.

See the LICENSE file for license information.

See for more information about Mup.

Prerequisites for building

If you use the delivered files that are generated, then Mup itself only needs a C compiler, the standard C library, and the math library.

Mupmate requires a C++ compiler and the FLTK library (1.x version), plus libm, libz, and either libjpeg and libpng or the fltk equivalents. On Unix-like systems, Mupmate requires X11 libraries (X11, Xext, Xft, Xpm, Xinerama). For building for Windows, Mupmate icon building requires xpmtoppm, and either pamtowinicon or ppmtowinicon and ppmtopgm

To build everything completely from scratch, in addition to the things mentioned above, you will need at least: sed flex (on some systems, flex-devel may be required) bison egrep mkdir -p gs (ghostscript) groff (and what it uses: troff, pic, tbl, grops) ppmtogif (this is usually in netpbm or netpbm-progs package) sort expr cut cat

Packaging files are included for creating Linux packages (.rpm or .deb or pacman), a .dmg file for OS X, or a NSIS installer for Windows. You would need the appropriate tools: rpmbuild, dpkg-buildpkg, makepkg, hdiutil, or makensis.

Building Mup

There are two ways to build Mup: either using autoconf or using the provided simple.makefile. Autoconf attempts to support building on almost any system by trying to deduce and handle any idiosynchracies of your system, However, if it fails, it may be difficult to debug and correct. The simple.makefile attempts to support building on almost any system by being as simple as possible, so that if it fails, it may be easier to figure out why, and devise a solution.

The simple.makefile uses pre-generated files, whereas the autoconf method builds everything from scratch, so if you just want to use Mup "as is" with no changes, or only reasonably straightforward changes, while either method may work, the simple.makefile method is likely to be quicker and easier. If you want to make changes to any of the tools used to build Mup, or to files that are generated, you will probably want to use the autoconf methods, or could end up doing a lot by hand.

If all you really need is to compile and install Mup itself, and not any of the helper programs, make -f simple.makefile install-mup may suffice. Read the comments in simple.makefile for other options.

To build using autoconf, the normal autoconf steps are followed. If starting from a github clone, first do autoreconf --install If starting from a "dist" package, like the source packages available from, and you are not making any changes to or any of the files, the autoreconf step can be skipped. Then do: ./configure make make check # optional, to run the test suite make install

In addition to the standard configure options, there are also: --disable-mupdisp to not build mupdisp --disable-mupmate to not build mupmate --with-fltk-prefix=/path/to/fltk to use fltk from specified path

Alternately, you can build using the simple.makefile: make -f simple.makefile all or build and install: make -f simple.makefile install

Building installer packages

After doing the autoconf build, run: make dist Then select and follow the procedure below for the desired package type.

To build an RPM package (on a system with rpmbuild command): cd packaging ./buildrpm The resulting binary RPM will be under rpmtop/RPMS and the resulting source RPM will be under rpmtop/SRPMS

To build an RPM for 32-bit Intel target from a 64-bit Intel host: cd packaging ./buildrpm --target i586-linux

To build a .deb package (on a system with dpkg-buildpackage command): cd packaging ./builddeb "Your Name" amd64 Packages needed for build include at least bison, debhelper, dpkg-dev, flex gcc, g++, groff (not just groff-base), libfltk1.3-dev, libxft-dev, libxpm-dev, libxinerama-dev, make, and netpbm.

To build a 32-bit .deb package: cd packaging ./builddeb "Your Name" i386

To build a pacman package (for Arch Linux and similar): Copy mup-%{VERSION}.tar.gz and packaging/PKGBUILD to some directory. Edit PKGBUILD with the correct md5sum for the tar.gz file. Then run: makepkg

To build a Windows installer package (from a Linux machine with makensis command, mingw cross compiler, and openwatcom cross compiler): cd packaging ./buildexe See the comments at the top for options if you don't have the openwatcom cross compiler, and/or have tools installed in places it can't find them.

To build an MS-DOS package (from a Linux machine with djgpp cross compiler, and openwatcom cross compiler): cd packaging ./buildexe --dos See the comments at the top for options if you don't have the openwatcom cross compiler, and/or have tools installed in places it can't find them.

To build a Mac OS-X .dmg package: cd packaging ./builddmg The resulting .dmg file will be in the mup-osx sub-directory. Any arguments will passed along to the C / C++ compiler commands, so, for example, to build a universal binary which will run on either i386 or x86_64 .builddmg -arch i386 -arch x86_64