muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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What order do I do it all in? #28

Closed chesterflaps closed 10 months ago

chesterflaps commented 11 months ago

Hi there.

I had been using the Growatt integration with no issues but today it all went to sh*t and I did a bit of investigation work and ended up amongst other places, here.

There appears to be several sections on here which tell you to do something but then says you have to have done something else first which is further down in the instructions so I am up and down and very lost.

I have opened up that many tabs and tried that many things, I am completely lost as to what to to do.

Is there a proper step by step guide anywhere?

I have the shine wifi S dongles if it makes a difference.