muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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grott growatt home-assistant home-automation homeassistant integration python3

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Grott Home Assistant Custom Component (grott)

Custom component (installable via HACS) for registering sensors associated with Growatt inverters that are being published via Grott. See prerequisites for more information.

NOTE - While it is probably possible to run both this Integration and the growatt_server_api integration at the same time, it is not advised. I recommend disabling the previous integration to avoid clashes.


Before installing the Integration, please ensure you have followed all steps in the prerequisites section i.e. you have a working Grott -> MQTT setup.

This integration can be installed via HACS for Home Assistant

  1. Install HACS (Follow all the way through to the 'Configuration' page)
  2. In HACS install this integration:
    1. Click 'HACS' on the left menu
    2. Click 'Integrations'
    3. Click the three dots in the top-right corner
    4. Click 'Custom repositories'
    5. In the 'Repository' field enter:
    6. In the 'Category' field select 'Integration'
    7. Click 'Add'
    8. Once the repository is added click on Grott
    9. On the next page select 'Download' in the bottom-right corner
    10. Choose the latest released version and click 'DOWNLOAD'
    11. Click the 'HACS' button in the menu and restart Home Assistant when prompted