muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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Unable to install this integration in HACS #59

Open mkamphaug opened 8 months ago

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

I get this error when trying to install IMG_7983

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Can you look at this @muppet3000 - I feel lost now and my energy snsrt house control is gone without Growatt

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

Hi there, I'm currently away on holiday so I'm not able to look at this in any detail. I haven't seen anyone else with this issue, so it must be specific to your HA instance. Can you tell me what version of Home Assistant you're using and also what version of HACS as well? I've never seen this issue before.

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

I googled that error, it looks like it's a big/issue with HACS, not this integration:

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Happy hollidays! Version 10.5 core and HACS v1.23.0

what is your recommendations to me?

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

Read the link I posted, clear out whatever is broken in your HACS folder and try again. Look for the 'grott' folder in custom_components and remove it then try again? Maybe try logging an issue with HACS itself? Or posting in the community forums. I'm certain this isn't an issue with the integration though otherwise I'd have loads of people reporting it

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Thanks - did read it - guess I just dont understand how to do this stuff. Do not want to delete HACS completely as I did other stuff with it.

No grott folder in custom_components

one last question - what does it mean to «clear out everything that is broken in my HACS folder’. The grott folder is not there. How do I find and see «broken stuff» and when I do how do I clear it?

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

I found this. Is this the one I should delete or dies this folder with grott.ini relate to the grott add on I installed from eggy? IMG_7999

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

The Grott.ini file is for the egguy add-on, which should be in a completely different location altogether. I really don't know what to suggest, maybe log a bug in the HACS GitHub and see if the developer can help you there instead? Maybe look in the logs of home assistant as well, that might tell you the path that it's complaining about.

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Good and thank you! My very very last question - do you plan to update the normal Growatt integration at all and is this even possible for you?

Have a great holliday!

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

The previous integration relies on a python library that no longer works as a result of the recent changes Growatt made to their servers. Nobody can work out a way around it so it's very much dead in the water without that. The bigger problem is that the library itself was reverse engineered from the Android app, so it was never officially supported by Growatt and was vulnerable to then making changes whenever they felt like it. At least with Grott there is the option to completely remove Growatt from the loop (or at least get at the data before they do) and remove that dependency/weak link. As such I'd much rather invest my effort in making Grott as human friendly as possible (yes there's a long way to go) than on what I see as a lost cause.

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Very interesting and I understand. I support your Grott efforts and wish you the best on the experience journey.

I do not want to use Eggys edge solution if that means that it stops data flowing to the Growatt servers (as I have Tibber integrsted to Growatt server).

Your grott solution as standalone (without edge) still also takes the data stright from the Growatt servers, right?

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

Grott by default (whether you use the egguy add-on (edge or default) or the standard grott repo) sends data to the Growatt servers, in fact it requires communication to the servers to work. Its only if you choose to run grottserver as well (I'll add documentation for that in the future) that it cuts out the Growatt servers as well.

mkamphaug commented 8 months ago

Good. But where does it get its data FROM (using grott standard repo). Is it supposed to take the data locally from my solar unit or does it connect and fetch the data from the Growatt server?

muppet3000 commented 8 months ago

I'm hoping my docs explain that, have you read them? This page in particular: