muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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Incorrect unit on divider for SPF #67

Open goandfix opened 7 months ago

goandfix commented 7 months ago

Hi I'm not sure if it happens with the other units of gorwatt but I have SPF3000 and the unit to meassure in the all current section I had to change it per divider 10 instead 100 and into the load percentage I changed it from 1 to 10. Thanks!

muppet3000 commented 7 months ago

Hi @goandfix - Can you please try running from the main version of the integration. I believe I've already fixed this for SPF systems, I just haven't done the formal release yet.

goandfix commented 7 months ago

Nop it's still wrong:


In the left side is your file hosted in the github and in the right side is the value that I already fixed on my local installation.

goandfix commented 7 months ago

Here's the file with changes.

muppet3000 commented 7 months ago

Thanks @goandfix - is it just those two that you've highlighted, I didn't realise you were referring to 'current' as in the power unit, I thought you meant that the current version on main was all wrong. Thanks for the zip, I'll do a diff, but if it's just the changes in the screengrab I can change those no problem.

goandfix commented 7 months ago

It's my pleaseure my friend to help you!

muppet3000 commented 7 months ago

I've just pushed a fix for the current dividers to the 'main' branch - could you try switching to the 'main' release of the integration and testing it works correctly? I'll close this when I do a release with the fix in it.