muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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Positive Value eventhough sun not shining and inverter in sleep mode #74

Open muhkuh666 opened 5 months ago

muhkuh666 commented 5 months ago


how can this issue be solved, that wenn inverter is offline still a positive wattage value remains... see pic 22222

Thank you

muppet3000 commented 5 months ago

Can you provide the output of the Grott logs during this time please? All this integration does is format and present those values in a consumable way. Can you also please tell me what type of inverter you have and what metric this graph is for?

muhkuh666 commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the question, how to find the logs?

muppet3000 commented 5 months ago

It depends on how you're running grott.

muhkuh666 commented 5 months ago

I run Grott as an integration, the inverter is a Mic850 the the values which are not set to 0 are sensor.fsj4cdk07u_phase_1_power and fsj4cdk07u_generated_energy_today, these get "0" when inverter is online again next day...

muppet3000 commented 5 months ago

Generated energy today shouldn't reset to 0 because it's an increasing total for the day.

Phase 1 power should go down to zero though as you suggest.

I assume you mean you run grott as an add-on i.e. this one: if that's the case then the logs should be visible as part of the add-on itself or in the Home Assistant logs.

The sort of thing I'm looking for is like this (a copy from my own logs):

         - Grott data record date/time processing started
         - no or no valid time/date found, grott server time will be used (buffer records not sent!)
         - Grott values retrieved:
                 -  datalogserial        :  NAC3915162
                 -  pvserial             :  NWCPA47006
                 -  pvstatus             :  6
                 -  pvpowerin            :  0.0
                 -  pv1voltage           :  10.4
                 -  pv1current           :  0.0
                 -  pv1watt              :  0.1
                 -  pv2voltage           :  0.0
                 -  pv2current           :  0.0
                 -  pv2watt              :  0.0
                 -  pvpowerout           :  936.3
                 -  pvfrequentie         :  50.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage        :  245.7
                 -  pvgridcurrent        :  4.0
                 -  pvgridpower          :  933.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage2       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridcurrent2       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridpower2         :  0.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage3       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridcurrent3       :  0.0
                 -  pvgridpower3         :  0.0
                 -  totworktime          :  23167.8
                 -  eactoday             :  2.3
                 -  pvenergytoday        :  2.3
                 -  eactotal             :  20312.4
                 -  epvtotal             :  15907.5
                 -  epv1today            :  0.0
                 -  epv1total            :  9479.5
                 -  epv2today            :  0.0
                 -  epv2total            :  4962.2
                 -  pvtemperature        :  24.2
                 -  pvipmtemperature     :  22.5
                 -  pvboosttemp          :  21.3
                 -  bat_dsp              :  52.2
                 -  eacharge_today       :  5.9
                 -  eacharge_total       :  6780.2
                 -  batterytype          :  1
                 -  uwsysworkmode        :  6
                 -  systemfaultword0     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword1     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword2     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword3     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword4     :  32
                 -  systemfaultword5     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword6     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword7     :  0
                 -  pdischarge1          :  1150.0
                 -  p1charge1            :  0.0
                 -  vbat                 :  52.0
                 -  SOC                  :  0.5
                 -  pactouserr           :  94.2
                 -  pactousertot         :  94.2
                 -  pactogridr           :  0.0
                 -  pactogridtot         :  0.0
                 -  plocaloadr           :  1240.0
                 -  plocaloadtot         :  1240.0
                 -  spdspstatus          :  0.6
                 -  spbusvolt            :  290.5
                 -  etouser_tod          :  9.5
                 -  etouser_tot          :  16013.3
                 -  etogrid_tod          :  0.0
                 -  etogrid_tot          :  31213.2
                 -  edischarge1_tod      :  2.7
                 -  edischarge1_tot      :  10295.3
                 -  eharge1_tod          :  5.4
                 -  eharge1_tot          :  9347.5
                 -  elocalload_tod       :  6.9
                 -  elocalload_tot       :  1655.4
         - MQTT jsonmsg:
                         {"device": "NWCPA47006", "time": "2024-01-16T07:05:39", "buffered": "no",
                         "values": {"datalogserial": "NAC3915162", "pvserial": "NWCPA47006",
                         "pvstatus": 6, "pvpowerin": 0, "pv1voltage": 108, "pv1current": 0,
                         "pv1watt": 1, "pv2voltage": 0, "pv2current": 0, "pv2watt": 0, "pvpowerout":
                         8885, "pvfrequentie": 5005, "pvgridvoltage": 2443, "pvgridcurrent": 38,
                         "pvgridpower": 8917, "pvgridvoltage2": 0, "pvgridcurrent2": 0,
                         "pvgridpower2": 0, "pvgridvoltage3": 0, "pvgridcurrent3": 0, "pvgridpower3":
                         0, "totworktime": 166808367, "eactoday": 23, "pvenergytoday": 23,
                         "eactotal": 203124, "epvtotal": 159075, "epv1today": 0, "epv1total": 94795,
                         "epv2today": 0, "epv2total": 49622, "pvtemperature": 242,
                         "pvipmtemperature": 225, "pvboosttemp": 213, "bat_dsp": 522,
                         "eacharge_today": 59, "eacharge_total": 67802, "batterytype": 1,
                         "uwsysworkmode": 6, "systemfaultword0": 0, "systemfaultword1": 0,
                         "systemfaultword2": 0, "systemfaultword3": 0, "systemfaultword4": 32,
                         "systemfaultword5": 0, "systemfaultword6": 0, "systemfaultword7": 0,
                         "pdischarge1": 11500, "p1charge1": 0, "vbat": 520, "SOC": 47, "pactouserr":
                         942, "pactousertot": 942, "pactogridr": 0, "pactogridtot": 0, "plocaloadr":
                         12400, "plocaloadtot": 12400, "spdspstatus": 6, "spbusvolt": 2905,
                         "etouser_tod": 95, "etouser_tot": 160133, "etogrid_tod": 0, "etogrid_tot":
                         312132, "edischarge1_tod": 27, "edischarge1_tot": 102953, "eharge1_tod": 54,
                         "eharge1_tot": 93475, "elocalload_tod": 69, "elocalload_tot": 16554}}
         - Grott MQTT topic used : energy/growatt
         - MQTT message message sent
         - Grott Send data to PVOutput disabled
         - Grott Send data to Influx disabled
         - Grott extension processing started :  grotcsv
         - Grott extension module entered
csvfile:  /tmp/grottlog/2024-minute/20240116.csv
csvheader:  device,time,datalogserial,pvserial,pvstatus,pvpowerin,pv1voltage,pv1current,pv1watt,pv2voltage,pv2current,pv2watt,pvpowerout,pvfrequentie,pvgridvoltage,pvgridcurrent,pvgridpower,pvgridvoltage2,pvgridcurrent2,pvgridpower2,pvgridvoltage3,pvgridcurrent3,pvgridpower3,totworktime,eactoday,pvenergytoday,eactotal,epvtotal,epv1today,epv1total,epv2today,epv2total,pvtemperature,pvipmtemperature,pvboosttemp,bat_dsp,eacharge_today,eacharge_total,batterytype,uwsysworkmode,systemfaultword0,systemfaultword1,systemfaultword2,systemfaultword3,systemfaultword4,systemfaultword5,systemfaultword6,systemfaultword7,pdischarge1,p1charge1,vbat,SOC,pactouserr,pactousertot,pactogridr,pactogridtot,plocaloadr,plocaloadtot,spdspstatus,spbusvolt,etouser_tod,etouser_tot,etogrid_tod,etogrid_tot,edischarge1_tod,edischarge1_tot,eharge1_tod,eharge1_tot,elocalload_tod,elocalload_tot
csvline:  NWCPA47006,2024-01-16T07:05:39,NAC3915162,NWCPA47006,6,0.0,10.8,0.0,0.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,888.5,50.05,244.3,3.8,891.7,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,23167.83,2.3,2.3,20312.4,15907.5,0.0,9479.5,0.0,4962.2,24.2,22.5,21.3,52.2,5.9,6780.2,1,6,0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,1150.0,0.0,52.0,0.47,94.2,94.2,0.0,0.0,1240.0,1240.0,0.6,290.5,9.5,16013.3,0.0,31213.2,2.7,10295.3,5.4,9347.5,6.9,1655.4
muhkuh666 commented 5 months ago

OK this is exactly what I am using! But in system/logs i only see Grott Beta branch (2.8) "Es wurden keine Fehler gemeldet" (no errors....) do I have to activate logging, how do I do so?

muppet3000 commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure I thought the logs should appear there, @egguy are you able to help me here with how to see the Grott logs from your addon?

egguy commented 5 months ago


You can enable the verbose mode for the addon by going to the configuration and toggle ling the verbose mode switch: image

After a save, and restart of the addon, you should now see numerous logs in the associated panel. You need to refresh manually the logs to see the new one.

muhkuh666 commented 5 months ago

Got it, here it is: still 7.5 Watt but should be "0" to my mind....


muppet3000 commented 5 months ago

So the pvgridpower is incorrect?

The problem I have is that this integration just presents the values from Grott.

Therefore I'd recommend posting an issue over in the grott repo here: and reference this one. Maybe there's something that can be done to fix it.

typxxi commented 3 months ago

This phaenomen is NOT AT GROTT / GROTT HA INTEGRATION issue. I have seen this for ages before.

You can see the same behaviour usually in the evening around sunset if you go to growatt cloud and check the data there on the datalogger tab. image

This is NOT from the evening, just right now 1 inverter, but at this point and also in the app you can see the current power staying at a small figure which can last for hours (maybe midnight). These are Growatt Stick or Inverter behaviours.

And in the logs provided you can see that the mqtt only receives what the stick is sending. I had the same issue yesterday evening when I have setup the SPH4600 for the first time properly and even 2 hours after dawn there was still a 3 W production shown in HA, but also in the app and cloud via browser

This is not a grott related issuse. If you really wanna fix that then you would need a second sensor with at least 1 condition that based on the sun set plus 15 minutes or so the new power sensor has to be set to 0 regardless what. Doable for 1 inverter and 1 sensor but I guess beyond that you might be done.

But you should write to Growatt in Frankfurt to check their stick behaviours during and shortly after sunset. They could fix it far easier but I doubt they will cause they are quite slow cause they struggle a lot with fixing the german UI where "," and "." are used the wrong way and a lot of other small issues. once every year or so I recognice that they have fixed issues I had complained a year before, but not all of them. Since then I had given up more or less to fix the UI, they are hurting their sales cause everyone who will get a presentation of the UI will sooner or later realize how crappy that UI has been translated and adopted.

Americans might love a 1,000 $ check but europeans will prefer a 1.000 € check for sure cause it is more than 1000 times more.