muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
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Limited Sensors in Home Assistant #78

Closed tropicthedev closed 3 months ago

tropicthedev commented 4 months ago

Hi, I am only getting 8 sensors from my inverter to show up in my Homeassistant dashboard.

And only 2 of those are showing up to use in the Energy Dashboard. I am relatively new to Home Assistant so I am not sure if the problem is just between the keyboard or the chair.

My Grott config is as follows:

# Specify grott monitor configuration
# Defaults are described
# Remove # and update the value to enable the setting
# Last updated: 2022-11-04
# Version 2.7.0

# Specify verbose for extended messaging
#verbose = True

# Specify minrecl for debugging purposes only (default = 100)
#minrecl = 100

# Specify mode (sniff or proxy)(> 2.1.0 proxy is default)
#mode = proxy

# Specify port and IP address to listen to (only proxy), default port 5279, ==> own ip address
#ip =
#port = 5279  

# To blocks commands from outside (to channge inverter and shine devices settings) specify blockcmd = True,
# Specify noipf = True if you still want be able to set the destination ip addres from growatt server (advice 
# only to use this for a short time)
#blockcmd = True 
#noipf = True

# Time = auto/server parameter enable/disable date/time retrieval from data record (server), default is 
# auto: grott decides which time is used (data record if valid otherwise Server) 
# If time = server Grott server time is alwas used
#time = auto 

# Sendbuf = True / False parameter to enable  / disable sending historical (buffered) data. Default is sendbuf = True.
#sendbuf = True 

# Compat is True and valoffset needs to be set if offset / growatt protocol has been changed. 
#compat = False
#valueoffset = 6

# Specify inverter id (not necessary in version >2.1.0 if compat = false!)
inverterid = redacted
# Specify the type of the inverter (default/sph/spf/max)
invtype = spf

# Decrypt is False if growatt communication is not encrypted (older inverters), (not necessary in version
# >2.1.0 if compat = false!)
#decrypt = True

# Server name/IP address and port of Growatt server
# specify only if the IP address of is changed
# The address as of Nov 2022 is

#ip =
#ip =
#port = 5279                                                        

# Mqtt parameters definitions
# Be aware nomqtt = True means no MQTT processing will be done!!!!!!

#nomqtt = False
ip = redacted
port = 1883
topic= energy/growatt
auth = False
#user = grott
#password = growatt2020

# PVOutput parameters definitions

#pvoutput = True
#apikey = yourapikey 
# Data upload limit (in minutes)
#pvuplimit = 5
# Use this if you have one inverter
#systemid = 12345

# Use this if you have multiple inverters
#pvinverters = 2
#systemid1 = 12345
#inverterid1 = inverter1
#systemid2 = 67890
#inverterid2 = inverter2

#systemid99 = 99999
#inverterid99 = inverter99

# Influxdb parameters definitions

#influx = False
#influx2 = False
#dbname = grottdb
#ip = localhost
#port = 8086
#user = grott
#password = growatt2020
#token  = "influx_token"
#org  = "grottorg"
#bucket = "grottdb" 

# grott extension parameters definitions

#extension = True
#extname = grottext
#extvar = {"var1": "var1_content", "var2": "var2_content"}

And my inverter is a SPF 12000T DVM

tropicthedev commented 4 months ago

The sensors in Home Assistant are


muppet3000 commented 3 months ago

Hi @tropicthedev - Really sorry for the lack of response on this, it must have got lost in my emails. Have any more shown up?

Could you please share with my the output from the grott logs?

It should look something like this:

  - Grott values retrieved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [30/33647]
                 -  datalogserial        :  NAC3915162
                 -  pvserial             :  NWCPA47006
                 -  pvstatus             :  6
                 -  pvpowerin            :  0.0
                 -  pv1voltage           :  10.3
                 -  pv1current           :  0.0
                 -  pv1watt              :  0.1
                 -  pv2voltage           :  0.0
                 -  pv2current           :  0.0
                 -  pv2watt              :  0.0
                 -  pvpowerout           :  0.0
                 -  pvfrequentie         :  50.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage        :  244.4
                 -  pvgridcurrent        :  1.4
                 -  pvgridpower          :  0.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage2       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridcurrent2       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridpower2         :  0.0
                 -  pvgridvoltage3       :  0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -  pvgridcurrent3       :  0.0
                 -  pvgridpower3         :  0.0
                 -  totworktime          :  24489.6
                 -  eactoday             :  10.2
                 -  pvenergytoday        :  10.2
                 -  eactotal             :  21126.5
                 -  epvtotal             :  16336.6
                 -  epv1today            :  1.9
                 -  epv1total            :  9753.5
                 -  epv2today            :  1.6
                 -  epv2total            :  5111.6
                 -  pvtemperature        :  23.7
                 -  pvipmtemperature     :  22.7
                 -  pvboosttemp          :  21.8
                 -  bat_dsp              :  52.6
                 -  eacharge_today       :  8.9
                 -  eacharge_total       :  7286.0
                 -  batterytype          :  1
                 -  uwsysworkmode        :  6
                 -  systemfaultword0     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword1     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword2     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword3     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword4     :  32
                 -  systemfaultword5     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword6     :  0
                 -  systemfaultword7     :  2048
                 -  pdischarge1          :  0.0
                 -  p1charge1            :  0.0
                 -  vbat                 :  52.3
                 -  SOC                  :  0.1
                 -  pactouserr           :  1171.3
                 -  pactousertot         :  1171.3
                 -  pactogridr           :  0.0
                 -  pactogridtot         :  0.0
                 -  plocaloadr           :  1170.0
                 -  plocaloadtot         :  1170.0
                 -  spdspstatus          :  0.6
                 -  spbusvolt            :  298.3
                 -  etouser_tod          :  22.2
                 -  etouser_tot          :  17120.9
                 -  etogrid_tod          :  0.2
                 -  etogrid_tot          :  31262.2
                 -  edischarge1_tod      :  9.5
                 -  edischarge1_tot      :  10930.2
                 -  eharge1_tod          :  8.2
                 -  eharge1_tot          :  9898.0
                 -  elocalload_tod       :  26.9
                 -  elocalload_tot       :  3227.5
         - MQTT jsonmsg:
                         {"device": "NWCPA47006", "time": "2024-03-11T21:17:06", "buffered": "no",
                         "values": {"datalogserial": "NAC3915162", "pvserial": "NWCPA47006",
                         "pvstatus": 6, "pvpowerin": 0, "pv1voltage": 103, "pv1current": 0,
                         "pv1watt": 1, "pv2voltage": 0, "pv2current": 0, "pv2watt": 0, "pvpowerout":
                         0, "pvfrequentie": 4998, "pvgridvoltage": 2444, "pvgridcurrent": 14,
                         "pvgridpower": 0, "pvgridvoltage2": 0, "pvgridcurrent2": 0, "pvgridpower2":
                         0, "pvgridvoltage3": 0, "pvgridcurrent3": 0, "pvgridpower3": 0,
                         "totworktime": 176324922, "eactoday": 102, "pvenergytoday": 102, "eactotal":
                         211265, "epvtotal": 163366, "epv1today": 19, "epv1total": 97535,
                         "epv2today": 16, "epv2total": 51116, "pvtemperature": 237,
                         "pvipmtemperature": 227, "pvboosttemp": 218, "bat_dsp": 526,
                         "eacharge_today": 89, "eacharge_total": 72860, "batterytype": 1,
                         "uwsysworkmode": 6, "systemfaultword0": 0, "systemfaultword1": 0,
                         "systemfaultword2": 0, "systemfaultword3": 0, "systemfaultword4": 32,
                         "systemfaultword5": 0, "systemfaultword6": 0, "systemfaultword7": 2048,
                         "pdischarge1": 0, "p1charge1": 0, "vbat": 523, "SOC": 12, "pactouserr":
                         11713, "pactousertot": 11713, "pactogridr": 0, "pactogridtot": 0,
                         "plocaloadr": 11700, "plocaloadtot": 11700, "spdspstatus": 6, "spbusvolt":
                         2983, "etouser_tod": 222, "etouser_tot": 171209, "etogrid_tod": 2,
                         "etogrid_tot": 312622, "edischarge1_tod": 95, "edischarge1_tot": 109302,
                         "eharge1_tod": 82, "eharge1_tot": 98980, "elocalload_tod": 269,
                         "elocalload_tot": 32275}}
         - Grott MQTT topic used : energy/growatt

This will allow me to compare what my integration should be reporting vs what's actually being shown.

tropicthedev commented 3 months ago

Hey man no worries, I understand. Here is the output that you requested

- MQTT message message sent
         - Grott Send data to PVOutput disabled
         - Grott Send data to Influx disabled
         - Grott extension processing started :  grott_ha
         - Grott extension processing ended :  0

         - Growatt packet received:
                  <socket.socket fd=6, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 36464), raddr=('', 5279)>
         - Growatt original Data:
         - Grott automatic protocol detection
         - Grott data record length 359
         - layout   :  T060104SPF
         - no matching record layout found, try generic
         - Record layout used :  T06NNNNSPF
         - Growatt data decrypted V2
         - Grott Growatt data decrypted
         - Growatt plain data:
         - Growatt new layout processing
                 - decrypt       :  True
                 - offset        :  6
                 - record layout :  T06NNNNSPF

         - Grott data record date/time processing started
         - date-time:  2024-03-11T17:19:12
         - Grott values retrieved:
                 -  datalogserial        :  DDD0CJC273
                 -  pvserial             :  PARAGON123
                 -  pvstatus             :  12
                 -  vpv1                 :  107.5
                 -  vpv2                 :  102.0
                 -  ppv1                 :  140.0
                 -  ppv2                 :  60.0
                 -  buck1curr            :  3.7
                 -  buck2curr            :  0.0
                 -  op_watt              :  691.0
                 -  pvpowerout           :  691.0
                 -  op_va                :  220416.0
                 -  acchr_watt           :  0.0
                 -  acchr_VA             :  0.0
                 -  bat_Volt             :  52.7
                 -  batterySoc           :  85
                 -  bus_volt             :  0.0
                 -  grid_volt            :  238.1
                 -  line_freq            :  50.4
                 -  outputvolt           :  240.1
                 -  pvgridvoltage        :  240.1
                 -  outputfreq           :  50.0
                 -  invtemp              :  35.8
                 -  dcdctemp             :  39.1
                 -  loadpercent          :  16.1
                 -  buck1_ntc            :  0.0
                 -  buck2_ntc            :  0.0
                 -  OP_Curr              :  2.4
                 -  Inv_Curr             :  2.4
                 -  AC_InWatt            :  0.0
                 -  AC_InVA              :  0.0
                 -  faultBit             :  20
                 -  warningBit           :  0
                 -  faultValue           :  0
                 -  warningValue         :  0
                 -  constantPowerOK      :  0
                 -  epvtoday             :  18.8
                 -  pvenergytoday        :  18.8
                 -  epvtotal             :  429494897.8
                 -  eacCharToday         :  0.0
                 -  eacCharTotal         :  602.6
                 -  ebatDischarToday     :  10.2
                 -  ebatDischarTotal     :  4440.3
                 -  eacDischarToday      :  0.0
                 -  eacDischarTotal      :  0.0
                 -  ACCharCurr           :  0.0
                 -  ACDischarWatt        :  0.0
                 -  ACDischarVA          :  0.0
                 -  BatDischarWatt       :  1116.0
                 -  BatDischarVA         :  1116.0
                 -  BatWatt              :  902.0
         - MQTT jsonmsg:
                         {"device": "PARAGON123", "time": "2024-03-11T17:19:12", "buffered": "no",
                         "values": {"datalogserial": "DDD0CJC273", "pvserial": "PARAGON123",
                         "pvstatus": 12, "vpv1": 1075, "vpv2": 1020, "ppv1": 1400, "ppv2": 600,
                         "buck1curr": 37, "buck2curr": 0, "op_watt": 6910, "pvpowerout": 6910,
                         "op_va": 2204160, "acchr_watt": 0, "acchr_VA": 0, "bat_Volt": 5270,
                         "batterySoc": 85, "bus_volt": 0, "grid_volt": 2381, "line_freq": 5040,
                         "outputvolt": 2401, "pvgridvoltage": 2401, "outputfreq": 5000, "invtemp":
                         358, "dcdctemp": 391, "loadpercent": 161, "buck1_ntc": 0, "buck2_ntc": 0,
                         "OP_Curr": 24, "Inv_Curr": 24, "AC_InWatt": 0, "AC_InVA": 0, "faultBit": 20,
                         "warningBit": 0, "faultValue": 0, "warningValue": 0, "constantPowerOK": 0,
                         "epvtoday": 188, "pvenergytoday": 188, "epvtotal": 4294948978,
                         "eacCharToday": 0, "eacCharTotal": 6026, "ebatDischarToday": 102,
                         "ebatDischarTotal": 44403, "eacDischarToday": 0, "eacDischarTotal": 0,
                         "ACCharCurr": 0, "ACDischarWatt": 0, "ACDischarVA": 0, "BatDischarWatt":
                         11160, "BatDischarVA": 11160, "BatWatt": 9020}}
         - Grott MQTT topic used : energy/growatt
muppet3000 commented 3 months ago

Ahhhh, I totally need to do a release!!!

Turns out I've added all these but haven't done a release yet. Please can you try installing the "main" version of the integration rather than the last 'release' version (screengrabs below):




Remember to restart home assistant afterward for the changes to take affect.

Let me know if that fixes it and I'll do a release later this week.

tropicthedev commented 3 months ago

Nice, I am seeing 40 entries in my dashboard. I am going to try to setup my energy tab and see what happens

muppet3000 commented 3 months ago

Awesome, I'll get around to doing that release in that case.