muppet3000 / homeassistant-grott

Home Assistant Integration for Grott - MQTT
MIT License
73 stars 17 forks source link

How it works - smaller improvements #9

Open typxxi opened 1 year ago

typxxi commented 1 year ago

I am referring to the 2 charts.

Please add the white background to the charts cause otherwise they are hard to understand with dark grey background and black arrows I had not seen first. I had to open the chart in an additional tab to get the white background.

I suggest to emphasize and mention in the text introduction that this solution is no longer using the api and therefore will not cause additional loads on Growatts side that could blocking due to too high use / abuse of their API access.

Yes, it has nothing to do with how it works, but it explains that this solution is no longer coming with huge risks like a full ban cause it is "growatt api free".

Yes, the chart shows this, but it is worth to mention that fact that this solution is not disturbing growatts data center by causing additional load or api calls or what not. It is a simple local data processing in our homes. While the api access is a kind of customer intrusion into the growatt data center world adding an unwanted load - we our selves also would not wanna carry or pay for if we would have to run the growatt datacenters - or if Growatt would put additional loads onto our system.

Therefore I also suggest a different chart model with 2 sides:

On the right we with in our BIG HOME with the growatt inverter in the middle (hightwise), our shinephone app (upper left), our Laptop with browser access (left middle) and a small innocent raspberry pi with a HA logo causing the "terrible (growatts operating view)" api calls just to show the implications of what Growatt would call a kind of NOT fair use:

Smartphone, tablet and Laptops are OK due to small and rare load and the small raspberry with a HA symbol is a big risk due too high loads which we are causing with the blind use of high volume api calls.

BTW: I can tell you that after reducing the amount of api calls the ban restrictions have vanished once I went above 2 minutes. I had been coming down from 5 minutes and at 2 minutes I had been banned massively yesterday even without any web browser acces and a very weird registration side where I should register at least 1 of the inverters while 4 others were still runninng.

Pretty scarry moment I must admit when you are abroad and have no access anymore.

Therefore I went back to 2,5 minutes with a solution provided by Johann I guess and 2:30 minutes had no impact, I could even login with my smartphone at 10 pm which I wasn't able yesterday around 4 pm , maybe even earlier I had been blocked.

I suggest to emphasize that HA is the intruder from Growatts POV cause that cause a load and computing power increase and therefore energy they have to pay for a free access where other inverter manufacturer want a fee for a data or acces plan.

Right now the tiny box on the lower right corner looks quite innocent and you usually would not think that this is the real troublemaker while the app and web usage might be 20 times a day where the raspi could run these 20 calls in less than 10 minutes.

I deleted the API box and communication in the GROTT chart cause it is no longer used nor necessary. My troubles had been increasing over the last 2 weeks since I started the api adventure.

The cloud in the middle is the clearing point and I also added a tape with a one direction arrow too make clear that it is just an intercepting and the communication itself is not disturbed.


pure API WORLD image

These are free pictures and I can send you the source document which is of cause what ?

the best paint and pixel program: excel

muppet3000 commented 1 year ago

Hi @typxxi - Thanks for providing this, sorry I didn't response originally, I've been away on holiday. I'll look to include these changes in the next week or so. I love the diagrams, once I've had the time to properly appreciate them I'll decide how to include them.

typxxi commented 1 year ago

Hi @typxxi - Thanks for providing this, sorry I didn't response originally, I've been away on holiday. I'll look to include these changes in the next week or so. I love the diagrams, once I've had the time to properly appreciate them I'll decide how to include them.

Holidays are first priority and I hope you had spent beautiful days somewhere remote - unconnected.

I have done that in MS Excel and all the pictures are stored in that file so that I could give it to you if needed. I have used free jpgs and those from the manufacturers.

Meanwhile I have to prepare my Growatt Hybrid and the Eastron smartmeter to talk to each us modbus and also get the data delivered to EVCC by Proxy mode to let the wallbox Pulsar Plus charge the EV from surplus and also the boiler heatpump even though that is a far easier task than the other adventures.

Just let me know if you need the xlsw / Excel file to use or reuse some graphics that if fits to your development.

mriksman commented 1 year ago

I personally find the current pictures easier to understand...

Saentist commented 12 months ago

I personally find the current pictures easier to understand...

except if use black theme of Github and don't see black lines ;)

@muppet3000 Remove transparent background of current images

or alternatively let's use good old ASCII ART

 ┌───────────────────────┐                     │               │
 │                       │                     │  INVERTER     │
 │                       │                     │               │
 │  ┌─────────────────┐  │                     │               │
 │  │                 │  │                     │               │
 │  │  GROWATT CDN    │  │                     └───────┬───────┘
 │  │                 │  │                             │
 │  └─────────────────┘  │                             │
 │                       │                             │
 │  ┌─────────────────┐  │                             ▼
 │  │                 │  │                     ┌───────────────┐
 │  │ Growatt CDN US  │  │                     │               │
 │  │                 │  │                     │   DATALOGGER  │
 │  └─────────────────┘  │                     │               │
 │                       │       ◄─────────────┤               │
 │  ┌─────────────────┐  │                     │               │
 │  │                 │  │                     │               │
 │  │ Growatt CDN CN  │  │                     └───────────────┘
 │  │                 │  │
 │  └─────────────────┘  │
 │                       │

                                                │               │
┌───────────────────────┐                       │  INVERTER     │
│                       │                       │               │
│                       │                       └──────┬────────┘
│  ┌─────────────────┐  │                              │
│  │                 │  │                              │
│  │  GROWATT CDN    │  │                       ┌──────┴────────┐
│  │                 │  │        ┌─────────┐    │               │
│  └─────────────────┘  │        │         │ ◄──┤               │
│                       │        │  GROTT  │    │  DATALOGGER   │
│  ┌─────────────────┐  │  ◄─────┤         │    │               │
│  │                 │  │        │         │    │               │
│  │ Growatt CDN US  │  │        │         │    │               │
│  │                 │  │        └────┬────┘    └───────────────┘
│  └─────────────────┘  │             │
│                       │             │      ┌──────────────────┐
│  ┌─────────────────┐  │             │      │  HOME AUTOMATION │
│  │                 │  │             └────► │                  │
│  │ Growatt CDN CN  │  │                    │  LOGGING         │
│  │                 │  │                    │                  │
│  └─────────────────┘  │                    │  GRAPHING etc.   │
│                       │                    └──────────────────┘