muraljs / veact

An un-fancy way to build React views
MIT License
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Veact is an opinionated library for building React components using a plain Javascript API.


const veact = require('veact')
const OtherComponent = require('./other-component')

const view = veact()

// Extract React.DOM wrapped elements and React component class/functions for a nice DOM building API
const { div, h1, othercomponent } = view.els({
  othercomponent: OtherComponent

// Get these things out of the way (to be implemented)
view.use(SomeDecorator, OrMixin, OrSomething)

// Lifecycle methods (turns into stateful class-based component)
view.on('componentDidUpdate', (component) => {

// Declare an inline styles object (note `h1('.header')` below)
  header: {
    fontSize: '24px',
    color: 'magenta'

// Add a render function
view.render((props, ctx) =>
  div(                      // Flexible API for omitting props

    h1('.header'),          // Dot notation access to styles object for a convenient way to inline style

    div('Some body text'),  // Strings without leading dots are inner text
      othercomponent(),     // Wow. Much consistent. JS syntax highlighted functions
      div({ some: 'props', ref: 'txt' }, 'some text')))

// Finally export the component class (or stateless function
// if no stateful APIs were used to build the view)
const MyComponent = view()


JSX or Hyperscript or Template Strings, Decorators or Mixins, Classes or Stateless Functional Components, JSS or BEM or CSS modules... oh my!

There's a wonderful plethora of ways to write React components today. Veact is an opinionated approach that encourages using a minimal set of programming features. For instance, instead of having to write stateless functional components differently than class-based components—Veact says "no classes", "no this" only a single view.render(() => ReactElements) API that automatically determines if it should be stateless or not based on how you built it with other view APIs.

So with that said, here's a quick Veact manifesto of sorts:


Please fork the project and submit a pull request with tests. Install node modules npm install and run tests with npm test.
