This is a very simple tool to flash your Pixel Kit with the Kano Code firmware (factory firmware) and MicroPython (with pixel32).
Check the releases page.
Pixel32 is a MicroPython application that allows it to be programmed on the browser, offline and with built in documentation. To read more about that, check Pixel32.
Kano Code firmware is what makes your Pixel Kit able to interact with the Kano Code App.
python -m venv venv
and . venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
, ./
or ./build_win.bat
If you are looking at a more complete, flexible yet still friendly way to flash your Pixel Kit I can't recommend the nodemcu-pyflasher
project enough.
If you are not afraid of command line, perhaps even the esptool itself?
All you will need to do is to find or build a suitable firmware for ESP32. Here is a list of places you might find it: