murindwaz / TM23

Game - Homework
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Game - Homework

This is a commit for testing purposes.


- Use of incremental software delivery: We use Github
- Use of Design patterns (Identify and write them down here )  

Environment Setup

- Eclipse IDE ( Luna or Mars ) 
- On Windows, install Git from 
- On Linux/Mac use the command line utility
        $ sudo apt-get install git #ubuntu 
        $ sudo yum install git     #centos, fedora etc.
- Install Maven for Eclipse (m2eclipse - luna/mars depending on version ) 

Approach TDD ( Test Driven Development )

- JUnit 4 
- src/test/java/ 
- Code coverage EclEmma Plugin for Eclipse 

First build

- GameEngine : tasks 
        - initialize the game state from a flat file( JSON with GSON is fast to work with )
        - have two moves and save another state to the same flat file 
        - has to know about all components:
            - model ( Player, Gameboard, Cards, Characters ) 

Eclipse tips

- how to uppercase/lowercase (link)[]
    - Lower case: CTRL+SHIFT+Y (CMD+SHIFT+Y on Mac OS X)
    - Upper case: CTRL+SHIFT+X (CMD+SHIFT+X on Mac OS X)
    - Format source code: CTRL+SHIFT+F (CMD+SHIFT+F on Mac OS X)

How to contribute?

- We are going to contribute to the code using ("pull-requests")[]
- The good way to do it was yo use all group members as contributors( having access to the repo ) but free version of github looks not to support that feature. 

Build-2 game take

1   B   Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom    
2   64  Take two cards from the draw deck.
3   B   The Clacks  
3   6M28    Take two cards from the draw deck.
36  B   Moist von Lipwig    
4   1M368   Take two cards from the draw deck.
42  B   Professor of Recent Runes   
3   768 Take two cards from the draw deck.
87  G   Librarian   
1   6   Take four cards from the draw deck.
88  G   Leonard of Quirm    
1   6   Take four cards from the draw deck.
77  G   Hex 
2   62  Take three cards from the draw deck.