mus-candidus / LittleNPCs

MIT License
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Mod for Stardew Valley which turns your children into little NPCs. Requires ContentPatcher.

Create a content pack

Replacement NPCs for your children must be provided by content packs. See NPC data. Note that NPCDispositions must not be provided by your content pack, these are generated and handled internally by the mod.

Starting from version 1.1, the mod provides 2 ContentPatcher tokens:

Every token supports these arguments:

The 1.0 tokens are still there but shouldn't be used for new development.

Only one argument can be given at a time. Token arguments are passed after a colon. For example, if you want the internal name of FirstLittleNPC, use {{Candidus42.LittleNPCs/FirstLittleNPC: Name}}

In your content pack, use these tokens instead of hard-coded names and genders.

Convert a ChildToNPC content pack

Content packs for the unmaintained ChildToNPC mod are supposed to be easily convertible, even though some tokens are not provided.

Remove Data/NPCDispositions from your content pack first. For replacing tokens see the following table:

Child2NPC token LittleNPC 1.0 token LittleNPC 1.1 token and argument Notes
FirstChildName FirstLittleNPCName FirstLittleNPC: Name Internal asset name, not suitable for dialogue.
FirstLittleNPCDisplayName FirstLittleNPC: DisplayName Name to show in dialogue.
FirstChildBirthday Not needed anymore. Formerly used to provide NPCDispositions.
FirstLittleNPC: BirthSeason Season of birth: spring, summer, fall or winter.
FirstLittleNPC: BirthDay Day of birth: 1 to 28.
FirstLittleNPC: Age Age of a LittleNPC in years.
FirstChildBed Not needed anymore. Formerly used to provide NPCDispositions.
FirstChildGender FirstLittleNPCGender FirstLittleNPC: Gender
FirstChildParent Use the standard CP token {{spouse}} instead.
SecondChildName SecondLittleNPCName SecondLittleNPC: Name Internal asset name, not suitable for dialogue.
SecondLittleNPCDisplayName SecondLittleNPC: DisplayName Name to show in dialogue.
SecondChildBirthday Not needed anymore. Formerly used to provide NPCDispositions.
SecondLittleNPC: BirthSeason Season of birth: spring, summer, fall or winter.
SecondLittleNPC: BirthDay Day of birth: 1 to 28.
SecondLittleNPC: Age Age of a LittleNPC in years.
SecondChildBed Not needed anymore. Formerly used to provide NPCDispositions.
SecondChildGender SecondLittleNPCGender SecondLittleNPC: Gender
SecondChildParent Use the standard CP token {{spouse}} instead.
NumberTotalChildren Not needed anymore. Number of children is handled internally.

Config options