mustafa0x / kitab-font

A classical Arabic Naskh font
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arabic-font naskh


Kitab, based on Scheherazade, is an Arabic font with a design based on traditional typefaces such as Monotype Naskh, extended to cover the full Unicode Arabic repertoire.

It is also designed to support rendering Quranic text in a Unicode-compliant manner.


The follow glyphs were enlarged:

The following glyphs were made to be lower on "the line" when in a word.

The following honorifics were added (note: these honorifics are set to be included in Unicode 14)

Subsetting and compressing


@font-face {
  font-family: Kitab;
  src: url(/assets/kitab-base.woff2);
  unicode-range: U+200?, U+60C, U+618-61B, U+61F, U+621-63A, U+640-655, U+65C, U+660-66C, U+670-671, U+6CC, U+6D4, U+6D6-6DD, U+6DF-6E8, U+6EA-6ED, U+8F0-8F3, U+FD3E-FD3F, U+FDF2;
@font-face {
  font-family: Kitab;
  src: url(/assets/kitab-base-bold.woff2);
  font-weight: 700;
  unicode-range: U+200?, U+60C, U+618-61B, U+61F, U+621-63A, U+640-655, U+65C, U+660-66C, U+670-671, U+6CC, U+6D4, U+6D6-6DD, U+6DF-6E8, U+6EA-6ED, U+8F0-8F3, U+FD3E-FD3F, U+FDF2;
@font-face {
  font-family: Kitab;
  src: url(/assets/kitab-phrases.woff2);
  unicode-range: U+6DE, U+6E9, U+E100-E103, U+FD3E-FD45, U+FD47-FD4F, U+FDFA-FDFB, U+FDFD-FDFF;
@font-face {
  font-family: Kitab;
  src: url(/assets/kitab-phrases.woff2);
  font-weight: 700;
  unicode-range: U+6DE, U+6E9, U+E100-E103, U+FD3E-FD45, U+FD47-FD4F, U+FDFA-FDFB, U+FDFD-FDFF;


The following code can create a valid CSS unicode-range from a set of characters.

import itertools

def ranges(i):
    for a, b in itertools.groupby(enumerate(i), lambda pair: pair[1] - pair[0]):
        b = list(b)
        yield b[0][1], b[-1][1]

def unicode_range(chars):
    ints = sorted([ord(c) for c in set(chars)])
    groups = list(ranges(ints))
    groups1 = [(hex(a), hex(b)) for a, b in groups]
    groups2 = [(f'{a}-{b}' if a != b else a) for a, b in groups1]
    return ', '.join(groups2).replace('-0x', '-').replace('0x', 'U+').upper()


This font software is free to use, modify, and redistribute according to the terms of the SIL Open Font License.